Monday, September 28, 2015

It's a......


Can you believe it? Neither can we!
We went to our gender sono at this awesome place we went to when I was pregnant with Henry. I fell upon it while going to the post office to ship some Etsy orders when I still had my shop open and realized they have a sono studio as well as a cute baby boutique. We had an amazing experience with Henry there (read about that here).  And since then I have been selling my mother bird nest necklace charms in their boutique so I have created a great rapport with the owners. I went in a few weeks ago to take more necklace charms to them and announced that I would need to make a gender sono appt with them. They both were so excited! I remember having to wait until 18 weeks with Henry to find out the gender and so I had the date all picked out for this baby (Oct 10th) where I would hit 18 weeks. When I asked what they had available he said okay so the end of september would put you at like 16-17 weeks right? I asked about the 18 week rule and the wife (who is the sonographer) said oh no, you can tell pretty easily at 16-17 weeks, you just don't usually get the option since your doctor likes to wait until 20 for the anatomy scan. If I can't tell 100% at that appointment I will bring you back for another scan a week or two later and look again. SOLD! Sign me up! I have been dying to know what this baby is since the minute I got pregnant. I am not a surprise person. I love to plan. I like to shop and decorate a room and know what to expect.

We went to the sono and I had taken votes that day and the weeks before of what everyone thought I was having. The votes were more toward the girl side. 38 for girl and 28 for boy. I honestly have felt girl for this baby since I got pregnant but only because these pregnancies could not be more different from each other.

  • Throwing up starting at 3w5d anywhere from 10-20x/day. I was on 2 prescription meds 3x/day and still had to get an IV with fluids and IV anti-emetic meds. I lost 18 pounds by the time I was 12 weeks and didn't stop throwing up until I was 20 weeks.
  • Perfectly clear skin, not a blemish the whole pregnancy.
  • not really that tired.
Baby Girl-
  • Threw up for 2 weeks ( from 9-11 weeks) and then a few times here and there but that's it. No meds at all. No hospitals, no IV's. No rapid crazy weight loss (about 4 lbs)
  • Tons of breakouts (don't they say girls steal their mother's beauty?) True here.
  • Absolutely exhausted, can't keep my eyes open, want to cry all the time just because I'm tired.
  • Lots of headaches.
I went into the sono not caring either way if we have a boy or a girl. There are pro's and con's to both for me. First, I absolutely LOVE my boy, he is the best ever and has been the most laid back easy kid so far. I have all the clothes in the right sizes and seasons (since this baby's due date is only 8 days before Henry's 2nd birthday). I have boy burp rags and blankets and toys. I would love for Henry to have a brother. But..... we have no idea for a name for a boy. Not a clue.

As for a girl. I have always wanted a daughter to do girly things with, getting nails done, dress up, princessy junk, pink things, GLITTER, tutus, headbands, and I am so close with my mom I have always wanted that kind of a relationship with a daughter. We obviously have no clothes or girl things but my imagination has been running wild and we have TWO girl names.
Eleanor Jean (Eleanor after my great grandmother and Jean is my middle, my mom's middle and my grandmother's first name).
Evelyn Jane (Evelyn is a name Taylor and I have both loved since before we got married and for me, much longer than that. Jane is my other grandmother's name).

So either way was fine with me! Taylor has been a little apprehensive about the who girl idea since long before we got pregnant with Henry. He is nervous about dating and boyfriends and prom dress shopping and hormonal melt downs and teenage girl drivers and having to pick out outfits (much more difficult he tells me than just shirt/ pants combo). Learning to do hair and be more emotional and gentle with them, wiping their booty different. He is kind of freaking out, but has said either way he would be happy as long as this baby is healthy.
We went into the sono Taylor thinking girl, me prepping myself for another boy (lord help me) and Taylor said he saw immediately. I didn't have a clue. We got to watch baby play and wiggle and stretch. We saw sucking and swallowing of the amniotic fluids, a case of the hiccups and kicks and punches and even rubbing eyes with tiny bawled up fists. The sonographer has to see the gender 3 separate times before she will tell us. She told me she knew and moved the wand and I said "another boy?!" and she said no, that's very very much girl and I looked over and sure enough....GIRL! I couldn't beleive it, I cried and Henry mimicking me, put his head in his hands. I wish I had a camera, the timing was priceless even though he had no clue what he did.
We got pictures of baby girl, a video of the entire scan, a CD of the music that was playing during the scan which is Maroon 5 lullaby and a pink heartbeat bunny that has the 30 second recording of baby's heart beating placed inside to keep. This is my favorite part.

We rushed home and took pictures and announced it to all our family first and then friends. It's been so much fun to share! Even more fun to think I am not only blessed enough to get two babies, but that we get one of each! How amazing!

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