Friday, June 3, 2016

Eleanor 2 months

Happy 2 months baby doll! 

Weight: 15 pounds. She is still at 100th percentile for head, weight and height. Big girl.
Clothes: She is in 3-6 mo clothes now. A lot of her stuff is 6 mo stuff and it's a tad too long but that's it. She has a really long torso so onesie and such fit great.
Likes: Snuggling, Eating, being swaddled, watching her brother and baths.
Dislikes: Still hates her car seat but is getting better with it. She is not patient for food or having her pants changed and if she wants to be held, she wants to be held NOW. She's a little bossy.
Sleeping: She is a fantastic sleeper, she has slept through the night several times each week this month. Every now and then she will wake up around 2-3am and want to eat but then goes right back to sleep for us. Dream baby!
Eating: She is obviously great at eating. She has to take a bottle every night with her antibiotic in it and we have just been putting 20mL or so in it each night and then she nurses after that.
Playing: She is becoming so much fun, we get full ear to ear, wrinkled nose smiles out of her now which is hilarious. She loves to watch Henry and make eye contact with us. She is working on her core strength in her bumbo seat but her little chunky thighs are squished in there so she doesn't sit up quite right in it. She has started noticing her toys now too.
Other Milestones: She is doing really well at mastering the things she had been doing last month but hasn't really added anything new.