Sunday, April 5, 2015

Built-in book shelf project!!

As promised here is the info on our built in book shelf project!
I have always wanted built ins and I have a handy husband so we just had to wait until the time was right. Taylor used some Christmas money to buy himself a great saw and my parents gave us some Christmas money to buy the supplies for the shelves themselves. I looked at pictures I liked for ideas and Taylor got to work planning and measuring. It took awhile to get done because Taylor has had some bad back pain but once that went away he made progress fast and built these gorgeous shelves for us. I am so incredibly happy with how they turned out. Here are the before, during and after pics.

Ignore all the baby toys but here is the before pic with our big screen TV and too small picture and no storage space. AHHHH

I came downstairs one night before work and my husband was taking a crowbar to my beautifulmantle trim. GASP. I about puked because the nails being pulled out of the wood sounds alot like the wood splitting into a million pieces.

 Then we went and got all the wood with Grandpa Smith.

Taylor started with the cabinets as the base. He cut out all the pieces and built them into the wall. 

 In the mean time poor Henry had to play in the tiny play yard so he didn't get hurt on nails or try to lick up saw dust.

Cabinet one in progress. 
 Cabinet two in progress.
 Both cabinets frame work is finished. Now for counter tops and shelves.
 Very sturdy as you can see.
 Up goes shelf one.
 and shelf two.  Our TV had to be moved to the center of the room and the cable box and all the wires were all over the floor. OCD nightmare.
 In better light.
 He framed them in so they would be prettier.

 and added pretty trim to the edges of the shelves.
 Better detail of the trim.
 He cut trim peices for the counter tops too and they fit PERFECTLY. I am truly amazed as his precision on this project.
 The trim makes such a huge difference.
 He trimmed the cabinets out too so that we can add doors. Ready for primer and paint.
 Crown molding on the top of shelf one and primer on.
 Almost finished. Noticed the TV is hung up. There will be a bigger one eventually but this 40" one Taylor won at his company Christmas party and it has been in the box so we might as well use it!
 All finished and decorated just in time for Henry's Party.
 Before and After.
What an amazing difference it made.
 Henry clearly likes to play in them.  This side will be his side filled with toys and books. The other side will have all our media equipment and DVD's and storage for momma.

12 mo photo dump