Monday, September 28, 2015

How about we talk about Henry?

How about we talk about Henry?
How about that?

Holy first born being lost in the chaos of a new baby, batman. The new kid is mearly the size of my fist and already she has overtaken the blog 'round here. BUT, that is NOT how life is at home. Nope, not even a little. There are days that I lay in bed, my big cozy, head and feet up adjustable bed with 8 inches of delicious memory foam bed and put my hands on this ever growing belly just to remind myself of the sweet blessing laying 'neath my blubber that I haven't focused on all day. I hold my breath and wait for kicks and punches but nothing really yet. I feel occasional flutters here and there but that's about it for now. That's really the only time I get to focus on this new little life during my days, I'm distracted. I don't have time to lay there all day and day dream and wonder and think about and plan for the little one in my belly like I did with Henry. My every waking thought was him and my belly and the nursery and the clothes. I had nothing to do but breathe and work and throw up and think about Henry. This baby has been my thoughts when I'm quiet and still. When Henry is in bed or when I'm in the car. That and when I am dressing the ever growing bump of course. Otherwise it's Henry. Henry. Henry. Henry.

That little boy is and will always be my world, he is just gonna have to share it soon and I'm raising that man cub to be a lover so we are working on how fantastic it will be for him and not my fears of TWO.

He is doing amazing. Like really amazing. The kid never stops. Have you heard the saying that "mother's of little boys never stop from SON up to SON down."? That's totally true in our neck of the woods. He is a spit fire with tons and tons of personality. He is always moving, exploring, searching, building, jumping, running, falling, climbing, hiding, playing, dancing. He is such a joy to watch. I sit there sometimes in absolute awe of him that he can do any of that. I sure haven't felt like I have taught him much deliberately. But then again I am reminded that he watches our every move and he learns on his own too. He's not ever seen Taylor walk on his tippy toes that is for sure, but yet he does it. He hasn't ever seen me spike a fork or peice of food into the dog or the floor and yet he does that too. He has seen us dance around the house like idiots far too many times so I'll give him that one and he does watch us talk on our phones so he knows to put it to his ear and yay "ye-yo" (hello).  But the point is, he is a sponge, like all children are. It makes me so much more aware of my every move. What amazes me even more than all the physical stuff  he can do, is how much we have taught him to love. (I'm totally gonna cry writing this, by the way).
Hugs and kisses are passed out in our family like candy on Halloween (which is in 31 days *cough* who's counting* cough* cough*) . We hug and kiss before leaving anywhere, when getting home, before going to bed, when waking up, and always just because. Taylor and I snuggle on the couch and watching TV in bed at night we honestly just are affectionate people and Henry...well, he's learned to hug and kiss with the best of them. He gives smootches like it's his little 18 month old job. He has even added the "muah" sound for good measure lately. He will stop playing, run up to me out of the blue and kiss me or hug me or just sit on my lap for a minute and then get up and run away and keep doing whatever he was doing. It warms my heart to see him be such a loving boy. He kisses Cora, he kisses his "Gee" and "ga-guh" (Taylor's parents) and his Nana and Pops (mine) and Aunt-E and all his toys. It's the cutest. He wants to hold hands no matter where we go. He will come over and grab your hand no matter what you are doing with it and pull you with it to show you something that he wants or wants you to see.  He loves to snuggle on your chest before he goes to sleep for nap and bed. He holds our faces and just looks at us. I just love watching who he is becoming.

Age:18 Months
Stats:  Height- 35.5" (100th percential), Weight- 26lbs 12oz (88th percential) and head- I forgot the number but 98th percential.
Clothes: Oddly enough I found out yesterday he still fits his 12-18mo jeans. I tried to put 2T on him (those are the size shorts he wore toward the end of the summer and they were a bit baggy in the waist). And they literally fell off of him and were about 5 inches too long for him. So I tried his jeans from last winter and they fit perfectly. He is a skinny dude with apparently very short legs which cracks me up. He has my long torso and has needed 2T shirts all summer because his 18mo shirts are too short and his little belly hangs out.
Favorite Foods: Pasta, Peaches, All Berries, All fruit in general (except honeydo and cantalope), all meat (turkey, chicken, beef, pork), "sauce"(ketchup, mustard or BBQ sauce) or basically any other condiment, cheese, milk, PB &J and grilled ham and cheese sandwiches, my lemon pepper baked chicken and meatballs.
Favorite Words: Go!, No!, Cor (Cora), Dadda, uh oh, dat (that)
Favorite Activities: Playing with Cora, he loves to wrestle with her & try to give her all his food. The pool or water in general (he loved the beach), the bath, Cora's water dish. Throwing food on the floor, sneaking up the stairs when I'm not looking, dancing with mommy in the kitchen. Using a fork or spoon to eat.
Least Favorite Activities: Being confined in the high chair, booster, car seat, pack n' play, crib, stroller. The kid hates to be "stuck".
Favorite Things: His giraffe stuffed animal we bought for him (the first stuffed animal we bought), his elephant blanket, pacifiers (unfortunately), cups of any kind, things that go vroom and his play phone.
Signature Moves: The squat dance, the kid can drop it like it's hot. Kisses and Hugs. Waving (when he wants to).
Mom's Proudest Moment: I turned my head long enough for him to put both hands in the toilet. Enough said. And I thought I pushed the laptop far enough under the couch where he couldn't reach it while I made dinner. Wrong. He got it and hulk smashed the screen.

He is just such a fun kid. I love him dearly and while on the blog, it's all about the new baby lately, in realy life it really is all about Henry.

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