Thursday, October 29, 2015

20 weeks and IT'S A GIRL (still)

How far along? 20 weeks, baby is the size of a Mango, although I looked at a mango tonight and it seemed much smaller in the walmart bin than I feel and she apparently weighs based on sono wednesday. She tipped the "scale" at 405g (14oz). I take care of babies outside of the womb as small as this or smaller, on a regular basis. So this measurement just blows my mind. Hard to beleive we are already this far! (my app last week said she is roughly 8.47oz and 6.02in from crown to rump, this week it jumped to 10.58oz and 10in. Huge growth spurt. Which explains my weight gain, see below.
Total weight gain: Up 3-4 pounds from pregnancy weight now depending on the day.
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff.
Sleep: Slept like a log this week. I did have to get up a few times to go to the bathroom but not as frequently as usual. I found a comfortable way to sleep again so I'm good to go.
Best moment this week: Seeing our princess at her sonogram on wednesday. Finding out she is perfect and healthy and that she is indeed still a girl. Then we went to the pumpkin patch/ apple orchard as a family and carved pumpkins this week and we had a dance party to my halloween playlist and while Henry was dancing to Michael Jackson's thriller he did the moonwalk randomly. So funny! and so much fun to make family memories.
Miss Anything? Still wine lol
Movement: The girl is a wild child. She moves constantly. I was literally just thinking the other day how I didn't feel Henry move at all until 17 weeks and Taylor and I couldn't feel him from the outside until close to 24 I beleive. This baby is so active and so strong. She kicks alot and we both can feel her so easily. I wondered if it was Henry's position in there or just my inexperience that made me not feel him as much or early as her. She also is breech and tap dances on my bladder and cervix. Fun.
Food cravings: Orange Juice, hot ham and cheese sandwiches, cheerios.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL!!!!! still. Our sono on wednesday confirmed again she is definitely 100% girl. YAY! 
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally but Taylor has rubbed my lower back for a few minutes and that has made a world of difference.
Belly Button in or out? in but more shallow now. Henry pokes it when I say "Where is baby?"
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week. I feel so much better having accomplished alot on my to do list of fun things and work things. I think that makes me feel so much better and I have been sleeping better. Big win for me.
Looking forward to: Halloween! Our costumes are going to be great this year. I am taking Henry trick or treating tomorrow at my in-laws offices and Taylor's too so everyone can see him all dressed up.

The biggest thing this week though was that we have officially decided on a name for our sweet girl. Eleanor Jean
She will be named after my great Aunt Eleanor and my Grandma Jean. My Mom's middle and my middle names are also Jean so she will be 4th generation which is very cool. A lot of people have asked what her nickname will be. Well so far we have called her E.J. a lot because our other name option was Evelyn Jane (we will just have to save that one for our next girl ;) ). Other than that we don't really have one. We are just going to call her by her name, Eleanor.

I officially bought some stuff for her room this week (besides the sheets and frames I got last week). I got her fabrics for a pillow for her chair (that I have to figure out how to cover, it's Henry's chocolate brown one so it definitely needs a new cover so it doesn't clash). I got two fabrics for a blanket for her like the ones I made Henry and also a swatch to go behind her frame for her headbands/ bows (which came in the mail this week!). I have really stepped up my nesting game lately too. Getting ready for our big halloween party has helped but I have been deep cleaning little things that desperately need it quite a bit lately. And I have really put my poor husband to work.

Here are pics from the Orchard/ Patch


Friday, October 23, 2015

19 weeks

How far along? 19 weeks, baby is the size of a grapefruit (in real people world that means she is roughly 8.47oz and 6.02in from crown to rump)!
Total weight gain: I finally gained 1 pound this week. Halloween candy? Yes I think so.
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff.
Sleep: Pretty good this week actually. I can officially no longer even fake sleeping on my stomach or side that is almost onto my stomach, I am all side and back sleeping now.
Best moment this week: Taylor getting home from his business trip and shopping for baby girl
Miss Anything? Wine. Taylor brought home more wine from work (he gets free bottles all the time from the vineyards and distributors he coordinates shipping for).
Movement: I feel her alot lately. It's so wonderful and so reassuring.
Food cravings: I'm back to orange juice again. I craved it badly with Henry and never ever drink juice and never drink orange juice especially and I have had to have it this week. Big time. I downed a gallon by myself this week. Oops
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Yay! I haven't been sick in quite a while, knock on wood.
Gender: GIRL!!!!! I have a sono next wednesday to look at all of her anatomy and make sure she is doing okay and I am praying praying praying she is still a girl.
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally
Belly Button in or out? in but more shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody.I'm so sensitive to critique from everyone lately, especially Taylor. I am working really hard not to take things personally but I'm not doing as good of a job as I would like. Sorry babe.
Looking forward to: Sunday we are going to the apple orchard/ pumpkin patch. I am hoping to fill up on apple flavored goodies like donuts and cider and kettle corn. mmmmm then we will carve pumpkins and get ready for our big Halloween party! I can't wait!

This week I also officially turned my craft room the rest of the way into the guest room. Sniffle sniffle. I am so sad to see it go but honestly I haven't had much time to craft as I would like lately anyway. With Henry around I am either busy with him or would rather be with him and Taylor than stuck up there working on stuff that doesn't really matter. It's relaxing for me but at the end of the day chasing a toddler around, so is laying in bed with my husband watching TV and just chatting. I built our old bed in the new guest room (old craft room) and put our old matress and box spring on it and made it with fresh sheets and bed shirt and comforter all clean and ready to go. I put all the rest of the stuff I organized and cleaned out and moved it down to the basement (well Taylor moved it down to the basement) and then I cleaned everything really well and got all the pictured and framed things out of the baby's new room and will have Taylor help me hang them this weekend so it's all set up and ready to go. Then I can shut that door and know it's one less thing to worry about. I went with my sister and mom (they both had the day off today) and got 3 sheets for her crib all different lavender and white combos and a really pretty lavender blanket. Taylor and I will pick a paint color eventually and get her room painted. That will help move things along a little. I got a few really pretty scrolly white frames too. One to hang on her wall and one bigger one to hang by her sink that will have all of her bows and headbands (that I got shipped this week yay!). I'm getting really excited for her. Her and halloween and thanksgiving (with elastic maternity pants) and christmas! yay!
The new guest room, pretty much complete.

We have curtains in here now too. :)

I had Taylor hang these prints I had done last Christmas in our room. There is space to add more. I have one for Henry's newborn, I will add a maternity/ family one from this pregnancy, a newborn pic of baby girl and then a family pic of the four of us. I'll keep adding one for every major life event we have had. (see how there is engagement, wedding, maternity, family...)

This big print is one of my favorite's from our engagement shoot and it was hanging above our bed but with our new color scheme it just didn't go. I need something new in the gray, black and white theme for that space but in the mean time I think this looks great here. This was supposed to be the home of the big black and white prints but they just didn't fit right and the black and white looks better in our gray room now than on the tan wall out here.

I had Tay hang these tin letters for me too.

 Poor baby girl is shell shocked from all the changes around here.

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks, baby is the size of a Naval Orange!
Total weight gain: Down a total of 1 pound from pre-pregnancy weight still. My weight literally hasn't fluctuated at all.
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff.
Sleep: Some good nights, some rough. Depends on the night and how Henry sleeps. He has been up a few times lately which wakes me up but then he falls back to sleep and sometimes I can too, other times I lay awake.
Best moment this week: Going to the KSU game with friends. I really really needed something good. I had a really hard week and making fall cookies with my sweet boy.
Miss Anything? Sleeping soundly
Movement: feeling her more and more lately.
Food cravings: Sushi! Skittles and sprite zero, not together though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Yay! I haven't been sick in quite a while, knock on wood.
Gender: GIRL!!!!!
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I was a mess this week. It's amazing I still have a husband and that he didn't just up and leave because I was a hormonal nightmare this week. A lot of rough, tiring, stressful shifts at work. Henry has been busy. My car was supposed to be fixed but after waiting 2 months to get an appointment to get it looked at and leaving it there all day, they called Taylor and told him they didn't have time to get to it but knew what was wrong from our description. WHAT?! I lost it. What a waste of time, it was something Taylor could fix in 2 hours all by himself for a fraction of the price just by telling the guy what was going on over the phone. I was NOT happy. It just kept feeling like one stupid stressful inconvenient thing after another that all piled on at once and I had a melt down friday night.
Looking forward to: Working on sister's nursery.
 He loved watching the mixer go around.
And dumping stuff in for me.

and wiping the flour all over the counter and onto the floor. and himself.

And try to eat it all.

Friday, October 16, 2015

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks, baby is the size of a dragon fruit!
Total weight gain: Down a total of 1 pound from pre-pregnancy weight still.I kinda wonder if I will just stay the same for awhile. I literally don't have any appetite until after 3pm each day and I make myself have small bites to eat and drink alot instead. I eat a decent dinner most nights and pig out on others like I did during our anniversary dinner on thursday.
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff.
Sleep: Some good nights, some rough. Depends on the night and how Henry sleeps. He has been up a few times lately which wakes me up but then he falls back to sleep and sometimes I can too, other times I lay awake.
Best moment this week: Going to the KSU game with friends. I really really needed something good. I had a really hard week. And going out for our 4th wedding anniversary, that was a great date night get away x2 this week. We both missed Henry terribly while he stayed at my parent's house saturday night but it's good for us to have date nights and to have two in one week was much needed and much appreciated.
Miss Anything? Sleeping soundly
Movement: feeling her more and more lately.
Food cravings: Sushi! Skittles and sprite zero, not together though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Yay! I haven't been sick in quite a while, knock on wood.
Gender: GIRL!!!!!
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. I was a mess this week. It's amazing I still have a husband and that he didn't just up and leave because I was a hormonal nightmare this week. A lot of rough, tiring, stressful shifts at work. Henry has been busy. My car was supposed to be fixed but after waiting 2 months to get an appointment to get it looked at and leaving it there all day, they called Taylor and told him they didn't have time to get to it but knew what was wrong from our description. WHAT?! I lost it. What a waste of time, it was something Taylor could fix in 2 hours all by himself for a fraction of the price just by telling the guy what was going on over the phone. I was NOT happy. It just kept feeling like one stupid stressful inconvenient thing after another that all piled on at once and I had a melt down friday night.
Looking forward to: Working on sister's nursery. I did take all of my craft stuff out of the craft room and organized it all. I threw a lot of extra scraps away I had been hoarding and condensed what I had into what I would actually use. Then I put the cubby shelves that made up the "legs" to my table into the closet in that room. Somehow they fit perfectly, one below the shelf and one on top of it. I also got rid of the metal buckets that didn't hold much and look terrible and got new cloth cubby bins that perfectly fit the square cubby so it would look nice and neat and organized. This way I can still get to all of the stuff I use but it's all put away nicely. The table top will go under the bed and I will also keep a folding table in that room under the bed that I can pull out and do a craft with. I need to finish organizing that room and then I can move the guest room bed and furniture in there and get that all set up. That is my first goal, then I will work on her room. I'm honestly putting it off until our 20 week sono on 10/28 to make sure she is still a girl, though I know she is.

 That's a Diet Dr. Pepper in my hand, don't freak out.
 God it's good that some things never change. So so good.
 My handsome game date.
 I think they were just fine without us. :)

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks, baby is the size of a avacado!
Total weight gain: Down a total of 1 pound from pre-prnancy weight still.
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff.
Sleep: Better this week honestly. Still getting up occasionally to go to the bathroom but that's it. Still sleeping on my side leaned onto my stomach.
Best moment this week: We went to the zoo on sunday with my mom which was really fun. It was a perfect fall day and Henry loved walking around and seeing all the animals. And Just honestly feeling her move more.
Miss Anything? Sleeping soundly
Movement: feeling her more and more lately.
Food cravings: Sushi! Skittles and sprite zero, not together though.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing! Yay! I haven't been sick in quite a while, knock on wood.
Gender: GIRL!!!!!
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally 
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part.
Looking forward to: Going to the KSU game with my friends next weekend yay!