Monday, June 23, 2014

Henry's 3rd month

Happy 3 Months Henry!

Weight: 14 pounds 6 ounces. He was weighed on his 3 month "birthday" because I took him in for a fever and lethargy. 
Length: not sure but he's a-growin
Clothes:  Still wearing 0-3 month stuff that is shorts or onesies, anything that is pants or footie jammies he is in 3-6mo. 
Likes: Snuggling with momma or daddy on our chest, eating, ceiling fans and lights, the bathtub, going for walks, his caterpillar toy that is strapped to his carseat handle and his playmat.
Dislikes: Being gassy, hungry or having dirty pants. Other than that he is so chill. 
Sleeping:  He sleeps in his crib now since the beginning of June. We started a simple and easy bedtime routine since kids thrive on structure. Our pediatrician recommended something that we can easily do at grandma/grandpa's houses or when we travel and especially when I am at work so we can be consistent. We go upstairs around 9pm, give a warm bath if he needs it with lotion massage. If he doesn't need a bath, it's jammies, rock in his chair and nurse (or bottle if I'm at work), burp and read a few books while we snuggle and wind down, say some prayers, swaddle in the sleep sack and down he goes. Awake, but drowsy so he doesn't have to be rocked completely to sleep each night. He is out by 10pm each night and it's great to have our room back. 
Eating: He eats like a champ still, nurses well and takes a bottle with no issue at all. I still pump once in the night while he sleeps and once after his first morning and then of course at work. It's great to have been able to give him the gift of health with breastmilk and I am so proud we hit this 3 month milestone. My original goal was 9months but I am hoping to go a full year if he will too. It's so good for him and for me. Physically and emotionally. 
Playing: He is starting to get more interactive (and also bored more easily). He still loves his playmat and he is starting to grab for toys hanging above it and above his swings and also grabs at our hands, faces and his pacifier. He looks at this toys we show him and is starting to play with his hands alot. He is laughing all the time now and super smiley. He also "talks" to himself in his mirrored toys and will coo in response to us when we talk to him. 
Other Milestones: He is getting really strong. He will hold himself in a sitting position with his head and trunk strong for several seconds if we hold his hands up. He is starting to bear more weight on his feet and legs while we hold him to "stand".  He has become much more active kicking his feet and moving his arms and hands alot. I'm sure he is getting kinda close to rolling over and I'm much more cautious with him on the bed or changing table.

What Dr. Grossman Said: We didn't see him this month, he will go in july for his 4 month shots. Boo!

Outtakes and extras
Lookin at his sticker

His face is so cute here.

Couldn't figure out why i set his giraffe there. 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Month 3 photo dump

 Snugglin with Aunt-E

These socks reminde me of the the lollipop guild munchkins in the Wizard of Oz.

Cousin Max

Aunt Allison

I thought this was funny. The books on my bedside table. 

Henry's baby monitor when we were working on crib transition. 

Ceiling fan!

Mother Hen at it again. 

Grandpa Monte and Henry having one of their "conversations"

Aunt- E drew a funny face.
Hanging out watching TV. 

That turned into a spooning still my heart. 

Pretty sure it's time to start buckling him into his swings

This is what happens when Henry pukes on himself and mommy right before work with dinner on the stove, nakey until daddy gets home.