Monday, September 28, 2015

15 weeks

How far along? 15 weeks, baby is the size of a Pear!
Total weight gain: Down a total of 1 pound from pre-pregnancy weight still, which amazes me because the belly is large and in charge already.
Maternity clothes? Mostly maternity now but I wore a lot of versitile non-maternity things with Henry that I am wearing with this babe too.
Sleep: Not fantastic. Despite the amazing new bed, I am getting up to go to the bathroom non-stop it seems. So frustrating.
Best moment this week: Finding out we are having a GIRL!!  Going to the American Royal rodeo as a family on Saturday and My clean house! Sunday Taylor and I cleaned all day long. Deep cleaned, not the normal stuff I usually do. Our house smells so good and like yummy fall scentsy and we are getting ready for baby to be here soon. Cleaning out Henry's closet and organizing and putting away all of his boy clothes since this is a girl! Cleaning out the craft room that will turn into the guest room so the current guest room can become sister's room. etc etc etc
Miss Anything? Wine still. I don't drink it much when I'm not pregnant but I always crave it when I can't.
Movement: Taylor and I both felt her move on thursday night for the first time from the outside. I have felt her several more times since then. This is my favorite part about growing a human!
Food cravings: Popcorn, apples and cheddar cheese all together for lunch, every single day this week. With a big glass of cold milk. I love the sweet, crunchy, salty, savory, cold and hot combo. Still loving that ^^^ and Skittles. Odd I know because I normally would choose chocolate every day of the week, lately skittles have been a must have. Craving any asian food still too, sushi, rice, soy sauce, stir fry, chinese food, japanese food etc etc.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nauseous here and there but not from anything specific. Got sick at work the other night out of nowhere.
Gender: GIRL!!!!!
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain started after a long super busy shift friday night. Blah.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for the most part, a little moody about getting stuff done here and there.
Looking forward to: This week to be over, I really want another weekend to spend with my boys and hopefully cooler weather. I would really like to do something outside like the zoo or deanna rose or something fun.

 Here is my craft room before. HOLY MESS!!!!! It was a catch all room and when I could sneak in projects here and there when Henry napped, I would never have time to clean up and organize. So it turned into this. UGH!
I took the table top away and it's now neatly stored beneath the bed in that room. The two cubby shelves somehow fit PERFECTLY in the closet of that room, but it still looked crappy even though I went through and organized everything. So I got these new cloth cubbies to make it look neat and organized. They hold a lot more stuff and now everything has a perfect place. Hallelujah!
Before.....ahhh it gives me anxiety just looking at it.

MUCHHHH better.

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