Saturday, September 13, 2014

Hankers goes to the Zoo!

When I got pregnant I seriously could not WAIT to take my baby to the zoo. I dreamed of sunny days walking around pointing out animals and taking pictures and what not. I love the zoo. Taylor and I have been a few times just the two of us and my sister and mom love it too so we all packed up the stroller and went together. In the spring, Henry was too little to care and I was post partum and such, then it got really hot out and I didn't want us all to cook so we waited until fall. Which is it now! The day was perfect it was in the 60's and super sunny. Henry was able to stay awake and enjoy a lot of it and got to nap in the stroller some too! Here are the pictures from our day!

 A little grouchy being woken up from our nap but he warmed up really fast.

 Take a snooze through Australia.

He loved watching the jellyfish move

And the penguins swim

I love the reflection of his little face in awe of the penguins swimming right by him. 

This one literally got me teary eyed. 

The kid loves his Aunt-E

Snoozin with Nana

Photo cred: Taylor took most of the pictures at the Zoo. He is much better with the camera than I am!
I took all of these at home.

We had a fantastic day, we went to Blanc burgers for dinner and then to murray's ice cream for desert and came home and played on the floor. I love sunny cool saturdays with my sweet little family.