Wednesday, September 9, 2015

12 weeks

How far along? 12 weeks, baby is the size of a plum!
Total weight gain: Still down a total of 1 pound from pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? some that I already had, bought a few new shirts at the destination maternity outlet store in florida.
Sleep: I slept pretty good this week. Just had to get up to go to the bathroom a few times each night but I'm comfortable and able to go back to sleep quickly. I still can sleep on my stomach some days and just kinda be tilted to my side onto a pillow. I LOVE sleeping on my stomach and I will miss it horribly when my belly is too big for it. Literally the day I delivered Henry I slept on my stomach again in the hospital bed.
Best moment this week: Having my 12 week sono and finding out that our risks for trisomies and other chromosomal defects are less than 1:15,800. I felt so relieved to see the baby moving and hear it's heart beat. I need that reassurance.I've kind of been a hot mess with worry this pregnancy.
Miss Anything? A glass of wine.
Movement: Still swear I feel a few movements here and there but who knows.
Food cravings: Sushi!! We did go have some this week for happy hour at Ra and I got rolls with cooked stuff only and man was it good, I want it again right now. I have also been craving iced peppermint mochas and all chinese food. Yum!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular. I did get sick in the car on the way too and from the grocery store and almost inside it too, but didn't. Thank God. That was tuesday and I haven't been sick since, just a little nauseous.
Gender: I made my gender sono appt for Sept 26th. I am so excited!!
Symptoms: My energy is back (short of working a few nights this week that had me drained). I am feeling occasionally sick but not bad.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy that my 12 week sono is over and went really well. Happy to be pregnant. Happy to have had a great week with my boys even though we aren't on the beach anymore. Happy for my own bed. Happy happy happy.
Looking forward to: Our gender sono and doing this baby's nursery.

Here is this sweet baby's profile!

I texted this to Taylor right after the scan was done while I was waiting to talk to the genetic counseler and his response is "that's a girl...." 

He goes off the Skull Gender Theory. And if you look at Henry's head and this baby's head, he might just be right.

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