Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Eleanor 4 months

Happy 4 months baby doll.

Clothes: She is some of her 6 month clothes now but mostly 9 month. Where is my tiny baby going?! She is also just about out of size 3 diapers. I can't believe it.
Likes: Snuggling! She is the most loveable snuggle bug ever. She wants to be held or touching you at all times and is totally content if you are right there with her and she can just hold your hands. She loves to nurse still and she has really started to enjoy interacting with Henry. She also loves the morning. She is the happiest girl on the planet when she first wakes up. She is such a breath of fresh air. She's really starting to like tummy time and playing with her toys. Especially her pink elephant, blue O-ball and caterpillar rattle.
Dislikes: She doesn't like being put down, waiting her turn to eat or her car seat but she is adjusting to all of that.
Sleeping: Sleeping through the night, though I'm holding my breath waiting for the 4 month sleep regression to hit. I try to put her down after nursing and snuggles when she is partially awake still so she gets used to putting herself to sleep. Oh the things I learned from baby #1. hehe. She doesn't really like her crib to nap, she prefers the basinet next to me in my room. Not sure if it's just because it's darker or she can hear me or what.
Eating: She has become a pro at eating from the bottle which is such a relief for me knowing Taylor isn't having to struggle to feed her when I'm at work. She nurses every 3-4 hours and I get up every 4 hours at night to pump while she sleeps. I have over 580oz of frozen milk in the freezer and I'm so proud of myself for working so hard to get it and to keep my girl as healthy as possible. She is starting to watch us eat so I'm sure we will work on starting cereal in the next month or two.
Playing: She is so much more interactive lately. She laughs and giggles at us, scrunches her nose when she's super happy, like to hold our hands and grab for us. She lays on her tummy and tries to scoot across the floor and roll over. She plays with toys now and really is entertained by them and by us.
Other Milestones: She is drooling like crazy and constantly has her hands in her mouth so I looked at her bottom gums the other day and sure enough she has two white little buds of teeth starting to try to come through. I can't believe it! Henry didn't have his first two teeth cut until 7 mo. She really seems advanced for me. She is starting to put weight on her legs and lock her knees to stand and she has pretty good core strength and balance to try to sit for a few seconds.

Eleanor 3 months

Happy 3 months sissy girl.

Weight: Not sure, I need to get on the scale with her and see how big she is.
Clothes: She is in 6 mo clothes now. She won't fit in really any of her 3 mo stuff anymore. I actually bought her a ton of 9 month stuff knowing it would be a tad big but Carter's was having a massive sale for memorial day and I stocked up for the summer for her. I got smart and bought jammies without feet in them and will do so from here on out so she can wear them longer.
Likes: Watching Henry and Cora, snuggling, rocking in her chair, her new big girl bed and her sound machine.
Dislikes: She is very impatient with waiting to be held, have her pants changed or waiting to eat. She does NOT like sharing momma's time with her brother.
Sleeping: She officially sleeps through the night. The most she ever gets up is once a night and it's usually around 5 or 6am and then goes right back to sleep until 8 or so. It's rare she gets up at all. She amazing! She also is taking a good long nap when Henry does each afternoon and little hour long cat nap in the morning and evening.
Eating: I went back to work this week and Taylor had to give her her first big bottle. We should have tried more milk in her nightly bottle with her antibiotic before I went back to work to get her used to more milk because apparently she drooled a lot for Taylor but she still did a pretty good job. I worked with her a lot this week with her evening bottles and Taylor said she did much better my second shift back. I'm officially pumping anywhere from 6-8oz in the night when I get up to pump. My first shift back to work I pumped 18oz, I couldn't believe it! I think the most I ever pumped with Henry was 13oz.
Playing: She is trying to laugh so hard right now and she will get one "ha!" out but that's about it. She is cooing and babbling and "talking" up a storm. She loves to interact with us and take everything in. Her little pink elephant toy on her carseat has become her favorite. I set it on her lap when we are in the car and I know if she is awake because she constantly plays with it and it crinkles so I can hear it. So funny!
Other Milestones: see above

Eleanor goes to Oklahoma

Taylor's parents are both from Oklahoma and all of their extended family still live there. We wanted to go visit Taylor's grandma and let her meet Eleanor so we packed up his Mom's car and took the munchkins and their endless supply of stuff they "need" and headed south. I thought the trip was going pretty good to start considering we put the kids side by side In the back seat so I could sit next to them and Henry immediately reached over to hold Eleanor's hand.
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Then they both passed out which was awesome.

4 generations.

He fell asleep on the way home with his car tucked under his chin. Little goofball.

My sweet happy girl.

Eleanor's first Royals game

Every girl needs a great outfit for a fun outing right? No exception for my little peanut. This is actually Henry's onesie that I made for him that was the perfect size for Eleanor for her first game. And because she is a girl I had to make her a tutu in Royal and baby blue to match. I added a blue and gold headband and some red and white rhinestone high top tennis shoes and she was all set. The navy leggings were for warmth :)

She is just so cute.

We went to celebrate my sister's graduation instead of a grad party. The whole family went and tailgated and we all had a blast. Eleanor did so great. She slept most of the time.

Congrats Aunt-E

I made blue cupcakes (blue velvet flavor, which is a rich buttery vanilla flavor). MMMM and did a shotty job at frosting them. Decorating stuff with icing is NOT my strong suit.

Henry has been to several Royal's games but he really enjoyed this one because he was old enough to really get what was going on.

He was so excited to cheer for the players with his daddy.

Ele in my sweet little sun hat from when I was little.

My college roommate of 4 years has an incredibly talented artist for a father. He was commissioned to do the painting inside the front lobby of the K to celebrate the world series. The pictures don't do it justice. It's just beautiful.

He legit fell asleep walking to the car on Taylor's shoulders.

Bless his little heart. He had so much fun but man it wore him out.

Aunt- E graduates....again

We joke that every time my sister graduates I have another newborn. Henry was 8 weeks old at Erika's undergrad graduation and Eleanor was 7 weeks at her grad school graduation. She graduated from Rockhurst with her Masters in Speech and communication disorders to become a speech therapist. Yay Erika! We are so proud of you. Eleanor slept in the moby wrap for most of the commencement. Except for when she woke up the second it got quiet to start the ceremony and she started to freak out. I was up high in municipal auditorium on cement steps with no railing in a skirt with a baby in tow so I couldn't easily run out when she fussed, thus my first nursing in public experience where I wasn't hiding in a dressing room, bathroom, car etc.

Check out Dad asleep...

This is one of Erika's best friends and her partner in crime in grad school. Lindsay.

Here is Henry and Eleanor with Erika at each ceremony.

I love this pic of us.