Saturday, March 29, 2014

The first week!!

Our first week home started Saturday! YAY our baby is home. Our little family is so happy to be together and cozy.

We finally were discharged from the hospital saturday evening. We were told at 6am that we would be able to go home. The attending checked on Henry at 10am and approved his discharge and mine was approved the day before. Everyone came and made their rounds and we were told we could go as soon as orders were written. However, the orders were not written until 4:30pm!!! AHHH I was sooooooo mad, we should have been able to go the day before but, with Henry getting his circ done and his kidney being dilated and wanting to watch his urine output closely and breastfeeding for the first time I just wanted a little extra time to take advantage of all possible resources. Oh well. I cried the entire way home, not like weeped or teared up or just got watery eyed, full on bawled and sobbed the whole way home. I just cannot beleive this time I left the hospital with a baby, MY BABY, that I made, that we made. I just can't believe we have come so far and that he is ours. New mommy hormone central. I just felt so incredibly blessed.

 It was bright out. lol
 When we got home, Taylor's parents returned our fur baby Cora to us. She was so excited to see us but confused as to what was going on. Taylor barricaded me on the couch with all our bags and pillows from the hospital and I held Henry. Taylor slowly moved things away and let Cora closer and closer once she got over her initial excitement of seeing us again. She was scared of Henry at first but now she is the overly concerned little mother hen. She kind of ignores him once she checks in and makes sure he is in the room. But when he cries or makes noise she immediately is at his side with her face a few millimeters from his just making sure he is alright. It's gone surprisingly well for as spoiled as she was before Henry. My parents then came over and saw the baby and brought us dinner so we wouldn't have to worry about it.

Sunday- We literally did not get out of bed the entire day. I think I had about 12 hours of sleep from wednesday through saturday at the hospital. I was on adrenaline rush and love drunk with my baby and all the excitement. So we just crashed, all we did was take care of Henry, sleep, snuggle, feed, sleep, snuggle, change diaper, feed etc etc. It was wonderful to have my little family in our bed together. Taylor's parents came over to see munchkin that night and we just hung out together.

Monday- We had our first pediatrician appointment. We are seeing Dr. Harvey Grossman who was my pediatrician during my entire childhood. He once left an entire full waiting room of patients to drive with me and my mom to the hospital because my mom brought me in at 8 weeks old knowing I was sick and something was wrong. He put my chin to my chest and I screamed and he knew immediately that it was spinal meningitis. Very scary, but he was so wonderful during that time and every other. Anyway, we saw him and the newborn nurse who is also a lactation consultant.
This is Henry on his way to the Dr. for the first time.
She helped us get Henry assessed and then we did before and after weights with him and she helped me nurse him so that I'm not in so much pain. The little nugget is aggressive and LOVES to eat. OUCH! Turns out I am doing everything correctly which is reassuring and babe gained an ounce during his feed. She thinks the pain is because he has a relatively high palate that is just causing me pain when he sucks but we will adjust. I honestly have looked at his sweet little face when he is trying to latch and I see this.....

 We are now supplementing with fresh pumped milk after each feed because he is just so sleepy and gets tired trying to nurse.
I help him get the milk and basically just pour it into his mouth with a special feeding cup so he doesn't have to work so hard to eat.

 Cup feeding the nugget. PAIN. IN. MY. BUTT!!!!!!!!
We will check in again on thursday with them and get another weight. I think that everyone is a little over concerned about him because he seemingly has lost over a pound since birth. He was 8lbs 7oz at birth and he now weighs 7lbs 6oz. However, we were told at the hospital that it looks like he has lost so much but that he was 6% down from birth weight at 14 hours of life with not a single pee or poop out yet. This is pretty much impossible. (they don't want babies to lose more than 10% of their body weight and Henry had by the time we went home). It makes things seem super concerning like he isn't getting what he needs but he is having great wet and dirty diapers now (well he always has) and they are doing a study on the scale used in L&D compared to the scale used in the newborn nursery. They think the scale in L&D in inaccurate because they are finding lots and lots of newborns dropping unrealistically large amounts of weight in 24 hours. They think it is the change in scales and the L&D scale being inaccurate instead of the babies themselves. It kinda makes me mad though, I want to know what his actual birth weight was. But it gives me peice of mind to watch him and make sure he is really is getting enough.

 Someone was ready for Daddy to get up and play.

Taylor put his shoes on him for the first time. I thought for sure they wouldn't fit and be far too small but they fit perfectly. HILARIOUS

Tuesday- Henry had his renal ultrasound at the hospital. We found when we started doing our growth scans and weekly BPP's during my pregnancy that Henry had a right renal pelvis dilation. This just means part of his right kidney was larger than they want to see. We watched it closely the rest of my pregnancy and the next step is to do an ultrasound of his kidneys in his first week of life to see what is going on. There are three reasons this is seen. 1) nothing is going on, just something that resolves on it's own. 2) renal reflux- where his bladder (which is a muscle) squeezes urine out, some of it backs up into the kidney instead of just going down and out like it is supposed to. or 3) he has a blockage in the tube from his kidney to his bladder (urethra) . They are not too horribly concerned. This is seen alot in little boys especially and usually results in nothing. Henry is getting an antibiotic by mouth every day to protect him against urinary tract and kidney infections just in case. He can come off of it if we find everything is normal so please pray things are ok and the results from the ultrasound we did turn out with great results. So far he seems to be doing well on assessment which is a good sign. While we were at the hospital we met with lactation again just to follow up (my pediatrician wanted a repeat weight to make sure he is doing well and leveling off or starting to gain back his weight he initially lost by now, she knew we would be at the hospital that morning anyway and asked us to just pop in and do another weight). Lactation has it's own room now that they can use for appointments and weight checks to help moms. It's such a wonderful resource. They have a baby scale to do before and after weights (Which I used to think was stupid and inaccurate) and a changing table, positioning pillows and a lactation consultant to help you. Henry gained an ounce from the day before which is wonderful and during his feed he gained another 36g (just over an ounce). The consultant taught me alot of things I didn't know and helped us so much. She perscribed me an ointment with an antibiotic, antifungal and steroid mixture to put on each time after I nurse to help me heal and help it not hurt so badly when Henry latches. Whoever said nursing isn't supposed to hurt lied. It's a huge adjustment! We also got to show Henry off to my friends in the NICU and then took him down to show him off to Nana and her work friends (my mom works in scheduling in the spine center at the hospital). Such a fun and productive morning. Then we came home and took a family nap....i.e. mini-coma. It helped sooo much!

Then Nana came over after work. She couldn't wait any longer to see the little peanut.

 Had to sneak one in of the little mother. She is so cute!!!

Wednesday- We had Henry's newborn pictures taken and they are going to be amazing!! We did set ups of just him naked, close ups of his hands, feet, nose, face, lips etc, pics in nothing but his bear hat, a KSU theme set up, one with his navy blue and white elf hat, some in a wagon, some in our old milk crate from our bathroom, some with the three of us. I absolutely cannot wait to get them back but for now I did get this sneak peak of him.

She put a sneak peak pic on facebook of him in the wagon. She was messing around and put a ridiculous little cowboy hat on him and he smiled and she caught it on camera. I can't wait to see the rest.

  This was Taylor's last day home with me and I started to get so sad!! Our little family had an entire week together and Taylor's help was hugely helpful. This is the first time we have had this much time together since our honeymoon 2.5 years ago. We needed it!! I've needed Taylor as I've recovered. Mainly because I've had numbness and tingling in my right foot since I got my epidural. It never wore off in this foot like it did in the left. I've had alot of weakness and have been pretty unstable and kind of walk with a limp since I delivered since I can't really feel much in my foot but the tingling. This makes me nervous to walk around (especially up and down the stairs) with Henry. The anesthesiologist said this can be a normal side effect of the epidural and can last a few days, weeks or can be permanent but they reassured me the tingling is a good sign and to let them know if it hasn't gone away in 6 weeks. WHAT?! Anyway,  It's been great to have Taylor home with me to help me around the house and with Henry and I was getting nervous about being alone although my foot feels much better now and I have much more strength now. My good friend Jenna came over
and so did my best friend Katie throughout the afternoon. It was so wonderful to share my little munchkin with them. Then Taylor went to help a friend of his with a pickup truck take the cover and bed liner out of the bed of it and in return the friend took Taylor to Baby's R' Us to pick up THE ROCKING CHAIR!!!!!! YAY! They called the day after I delivered to tell me the chair was in and that it was ready for pick up. Taylor took it up to the nursery for me and it's perfect!! Best money I have literally ever spent outside of my good camera. I have been nursing in bed propped up or on the couch and never could get quite comfortable and supported. This chair was obviously created by nursing moms because the arm rests are the perfect height for your arms to hold the baby up and the back is firm enough and cushy but still sits forward enough to support you and its the right height to put your feet on the floor or the matching gliding ottoman. LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

 But while Taylor was gone for those few hours I started crying. I just missed him and I wanted our family to be together. HOLY HORMONES LEAVE ME ALONE! We also got a call that Henry's kidney looked great, just a little bigger than the right side. The nephrologist said he can stop taking his antibiotic now and we can just do another ultrasound in 2 months and a follow up appointment with the nephrologist at the same time to see where to go from there.

Thursday- The munchkin slept so well but, we still napped for a few hours together in the morning (him in his basinette not with me in bed, don't worry). Then we got up and I took Henry to his follow up weight check at the pediatrician. He gained 6 oz in 4 days!! The newborn nurse was so impressed with him and hugged me at the scale because she was so proud with his turn around. She wants another weight sometime before his 1 month check up but otherwise she said I only need to pump and supplement when I feel he didn't eat well at the breast. YAY! It really is a pain in the butt and super time consuming to feed the baby for 20-30 minutes, pump for 10-15, cup feed the baby what he will take from the pumped milk, change the baby, wrap him back up, wash all my pump parts, pour the extra milk together and put it in the fridge. Then I go back to sleep or do whatever and then start all over an hour or 2 later. Exhausting. I feel so good knowing that I am doing well with him.
Waking him up to eat.
Getting grouchy while mommy gets ready.

Full tummy.

Friday- Henry and I just took the day to snuggle again tommorrow. It was Taylor's last day at his old job. He starts a new one on Monday with a fantastic company called the Scoular Company. He will be working in the container freight division helping transport all sorts of things like grain, wine, rock, clothing, barbies, hotwheels cars (Taylor is telling me as I type this lol). You get the idea. He will have a normal 8-5 office job with great benefits, PTO, and NO SATURDAYS!!!!! Taylor has worked every single saturday with very very few exceptions since we met 4 years ago. We are so excited to have our weekends together and it will make childcare much easier when I go back to work. Henry and I went to my parents house in the afternoon and Henry got to meet his GG for the first time. (Great Grandma).

He also got to meet my Uncle Mark, Cousin Marcus
and our good family friend/neighbor Bob. My cousin Rachel was there too but, Henry already met her at the hospital. We had pizza and just passed the munchkin around.

Can you even get over him? I mean really.

Saturday- Another day of just hanging out except Henry did not sleep at all the night before. Despite being awake almost the entire time we were at my parents house he just couldn't pass out fully. He kept sucking on his pacifier, spitting it out, fussing, needing a new diaper, wanting to eat more, fussing again. I couldn't make the kid happy and I was so exhausted but it didn't matter, I can't do anything but love him and kiss him and snuggle him even at 4:30am with no sleep thus far. Taylor got up at that time and took over for me. He got Henry to sleep and went and got me some donuts. What an amazing husband. Then he went and got some new clothes for his new job monday so he feel so fresh and so clean, clean. :) Taylor's parents came over with Mr. Gyros for us for dinner and snuggled the little baby bear.

Don't get used to a post like this every week. It took a LONG time to make, but I am thrilled I will be able to remember our first week with the nugget at home!

Monday, March 24, 2014

A post of pictures!

This is a post of pictures from our visitors and our hospital stay. I can't take enough of the little man and all of the people who love him. By the afternoon on thursday we were into our mother/baby room. Room 5609. We learned what love was in that small room. We saw how much someone so tiny could create such a huge vortex of euphoria for everyone who saw him or touched him. His presence in this world has already made such a difference and I can't thank God enough for making me his mother.
Nana seeing Henry again in Mother/ Baby. She brought Aunt-E (my sister Erika) and Steve (my stepdad) to see us.

Proud grandparents!

Nana and Aunt-E

This is the first time we got him wide awake looking around and calm and quiet. He is just so cute! Not to mention the bear hat I am in love with.

Hi mommy!

This picture makes my heart melt (and makes me cry). I can't beleive he is mine.

Look at that scrunchy face!

I got my phone out during a prayer, sorry God. But there is nothing more beautiful to me than seeing people stand and thank God in prayer for your brand new baby. I was bawling.

This new daddy can't stop staring at him.

Taylor said it best, when he holds him he is just in a state of euphoria. Just pure bliss and overhwelmed with a love that just cannot be put into words. Neither of us were even remotely prepared for the feelings we would have toward Henry or toward each other.

Cousin Rachel came to say hi to us (she is in a yellow gown because she works with big people in the GI lab downstairs and came to say hi on her break).

We cheered on the Wildcats but they still lost.

Day 2: Just snuggling early in the morning.

Holding Daddy's finger.

There were so many tears of joy, pain, disbeleif and love but there were many many tears of laughter. Leave it to my family to have me laughing so hard that I couldn't breathe and had to hit my call light for pain meds.

Poor little guy had some newborn rash and thinks it's fun to gouge his eyes out with his claws fingernails.

My aunt Joel brought my cousins Max and Jack to see the munchkin. So fun!

Aunt-E brought cookies she had custom made from Rick's Bakery in Fayetteville.

This is his crib card

Sheet creases, newborn rash and scratches he gave himself. His poor face.
Going home outfit.

 Cora cant firgure out what Henry is.

Grandpa Smith

Oh I just love this!!

more to come!!