Sunday, December 8, 2013

the last part of 24 weeks

The rest of this week was uneventful, thank God. Just worked and worked on Christmas shopping, I have almost everyone's gift thought out just have to go get them and wrap them.

My 24 week doctor appt was on wednesday and my doctor said everything looks perfect. Baby's heart was 145 and sounded great. The only bummer was that she is making me do my glucose test before christmas:( I'm so bummed. She originally told me sometime between 24 and 28 weeks (28 weeks is the week after christmas) IF I end up having gestational diabetes that means I can't enjoy the holiday food boooooooo. I am pregnant, I should be able to live it up this year. So I have to schedule that at some point this week. I have heard the drink makes you feel aweful so I am dreading that. Say some prayers please!!

I also made and addressed our Christmas cards. They are ADORABLE if I do say so myself. I will give you a sneak pic of the pictures we used for them.
From the Plaza lighting this year.

Yes I wrapped the dog in christmas lights (although I used the wrong version of this pic and used the original before I edited it and now it's so dark you can bearly see her on the card, I am soo sad!)

Chalkboard Time!!

How far along? 24 weeks, baby is the size of a Cantaloupe.
Total weight gain: Gained 2 lbs this week (pretty good with thanksgiving), I am at -4bs from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? yes, went to Old Navy for their 50% off everything in the store sale and got ma-self some short sleeve T-shirts on the cheap to wear under scrub jackets and got some long sleeve scrub jackets but just need a few short sleeve ones too.
Sleep: Sleeping ok this week, just tossing and turning a little more because my hips are a little sore from laying on my sides only. This morning I was awake from 6am on and tried to go back to sleep because I was tired but my arms and hands kept falling asleep from laying on them I guess? Weird, might ask the doc about that one.
Best moment this week: Getting our christmas tree and decorating for Christmas.
Miss Anything? Having energy, having a conversation without getting out of breath, sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: Lots, he moves all the time now.
Food cravings: Thanksgiving FEAST!!! Peppermint mochas
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, still doin great with the sickness thing.
Gender: a Boy turkey
Symptoms: Just feelin big (I know you are laughing, thinking you have soooo much more to go) Thank you, I am aware but I still have a big belly that I am not used to and although I am still down from my pre-pregnancy weight there is still a large amount of weight sticking off the front of me that is heavy and unusual and gets uncomfortable when I am standing or walking around all day.
Belly Button in or out? in but getting much much more shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody! GRRR love love love the holidays, but the shopping and the crazy people are not fun. Plus my crib disaster at nebraska furniture mart and my issues with motherhood maternity etc etc. I just feel huge and gross. I was a grouch this week. Poor Taylor.
Looking forward to: Working on the nursery some more, making munchkin's crib bedding and getting all my christmas shopping done.

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