Sunday, December 15, 2013

25 weeks

I'll add pictures as soon as I get them loaded, I've been crazy busy sorry for the delay. And Christmas cards will be coming soon, They are addressed, just need to be stuffed and sent :)

This week was crazy busy. I worked about 60 hours this week between KU, my second job as a health screener and picking up hours to orient to the NICU Medical Home (the pediatric clinic that follows our NICU grads through 5 years old). I love being busy and I love big paychecks even more. With munchkin's crib, Christmas, needing new tires on my truck and a few other odds and ends things coming up a big paycheck is definitely needed right now. I feel lazy when I just work 3 days/ week even though it adds up to 36-38 hours each week. I just love that my job gives me 4 days to pick up something on the side to help our family. I am so blessed in that way. I figure I only have a few months left to work whenever I want and then I will have the peanut at home with me during the day and will need childcare for him (that we won't normally have on a regular basis due to my night shift schedule). Taylor has also been working a ton of overtime to help out and in return got himself a really bad cold. Poor guy!

Other than that we went to my parent's house one night and my mom and I made munchkin one of his blankets that I showed you the fabric of. It's the dinosaur fabric on one side and red minky on the other. It's sooooo soft and nice and thick and heavy. I love it and am even more excited to do the puppy dog blankie and quilt for him.

Today I also made his closet dividers. I just took cheap wooden door hangers from Hob Lob and painted them navy, dusty blue and sage green (to match his bedding/room) and then glued a cute wooden animal to the front and labeled them with NB, 0-3mo, 3-6mo etc all the way through 18 months so I can hang them on his closet rod and hang the clothing organized by sizes for him in between. I can't wait to get shopping some more for him but might wait until after my showers to decide exactly what I will need.
Get your paint

Get your wooden door hangers

paint door hangers

These little wooden animals came from hobby lobby already done like this for $0.67 ea

finished product, super easy but if you want me to make them for you, let me know. My etsy shop is technically closed but I put these on there to see if I get any bites, I will be happy to switch colors, designs, animals etc for boys or girls or to match your room theme. Just let me know!
Ta da!

We FINALLY finished the first coat of paint on the baby's room and decided it was too shiny (we got semi-gloss on accident) and so we got a more matte finish to do the second coat and we were going to do it last night but since Taylor is sick it will have to wait, I just want it to be DONE so I can start moving furniture in there where it goes and deciding what I want on the walls. I've started collecting awesome peices to put in there and some things for me to do DIY. I want to go to the west bottoms and find some awesome vintage things to add to it. Taylor will need to go with me so that we can pick things together. He is the car guy and knows what is "cool" and what isn't as far as that stuff goes. I want some kind of awesome containers for his changing table (to put diaper ointment, diapers, wipes etc in) and one for the floor for books or maybe a great set of shelves or something. I'm not sure yet but I will know it when I see it. I've also picked out some great black and white vintage prints of old cars and airplanes to hang in his room but I am looking for some awesome huge white frames for them to go in before I order them.

I think my mom, my sister, my grandma and I will do his bedding when Erika comes home from college next week and then we will get the crib picked up and set up. I think things will start to fall into place then. I hate unfinished projects so it's kind of driving me NUTS to have it undone. One of my friends (who is due a month before me) has her nursery done and I am obsessed with it and want mine to be done too. But oh well, it will happen with time. I just love that I will get to sit in there and fold onesies and pair tiny socks and organize a drawer with "baby things" for him and put away diapers. It just is starting to feel so real to me.
This happened this week ^^^ If you know anything about zippers the bottom is supposed to stay shut, I think my belly is officially too big for my fleece....sigh

And now for a little christmas decor pics.

 My stockings are hung by the chimney with care now though.
Swedish santas! LOVE

Sorry it's blurry but I feel like I am carrying this kid in my crotch, look how low he is!

Chalkboard time!!!

Can you tell how lazy and tired I was this week....Nice chalkboard eh? I almost made Taylor stick out his belly, write 25 on the board and take a pic, but I didn't.

How far along? 25 weeks, baby is the size of a head of cauliflower. He is about 1 feet 2 inches long and weighs about 1.5lbs. (I'm gonna go ahead and guess he is bigger but that's just me) We will find out at his 28 week scan December 31st. I am DYING to know how big he is.
Total weight gain: Lost and gained my  2 lbs this week back and forth, I am between -4 and -6 lbs again from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? Of course. Some of my maternity shirts are already getting short and I am kinda sick of wearing nice long sleeve T-shirts, I want more cute blousy wintery tops and sweaters. Might have to use some Christmas money for that so I don't feel so scrubby all the time. I hate spending money on maternity clothing, but I have tried to buy things I can wear when I'm not pregnant as well and I just want to feel good about my bump and my body.
Sleep: It depends on the day. Still pretty decent most of the time.
Best moment this week: Making the blanket for my sweet baby with my momma, working on his room and christmas shopping.
Miss Anything? Having energy, having a conversation without getting out of breath, sleeping on my stomach.
Movement: He is getting strong! I can watch him kick all the time now which is so fun and I am starting to be able to tell which way he is facing based on his movements and kicks. I can also tell when he kicks me vs. just moves around a little or does a complete summersault. It's sooo cool! I love it!
Food cravings: Peppermint Mochas (decaf), Raspberry chicken (one of my DELISH recipes, sounds weird but it's amazing!)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Gagged a few times this week, random. But didn't get sick.
Gender: A boy elf
Symptoms: occasional back pain, tossing and turning when I sleep, swelling ankles and feet after at 12 hour shift.
Belly Button in or out? It's still in but it's getting pretty flat.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Much better this week. I worked 60 hours though so I didn't have alot of time to do anything but sleep and work. Which is fine by me, we need the money and I like to stay busy. I did however have fun with christmas decor this week.
Looking forward to: Payday! So I can finish my Christmas shopping for everyone. ( I have ideas for everyone just don't have them purchased and in my house yet). Working a little less this week and my sister to come home so we can do Christmasy traditions. I'm making good headway on my Christmas bucket list this year :)

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