Thursday, October 31, 2013

19 weeks....Halloween!

Happy Halloween Y'all!
Well if you guys know me well at all you know I am obsessed with all things Halloween. I love the decorations, the spooky stories (but not horror movies), the costumes (and ample craft opportunities), carving pumpkins and hot apple cider. The pumpkin patch, candy, trick or treaters, etc etc etc. I LOVE Halloween parties and costume contests. Going out with friends all dressed up in college was the best! and the best reason is because Taylor proposed on Halloween! (3 years ago today).
Halloween was awesome tonight! We of course had TONS of candy but almost all of it is gone. Our neighborhood was swarming with kids and it was so fun to see them all. They were all so polite too, "please and thank you" and "happy halloween" from every single one of them! even the teeny tiny ones. I loved it. I can't wait for little man to get old enough to go and experience why his momma loves halloween so much. It just made my heart happy to hear and see all the kids giggling and running around and having a blast. What a fun tradition and memories made for all of them. This is my first year in 3 years getting to pass out candy because I got scheduled to work each year, which broke my heart to have to miss out! But we also lived in an apartment for 2 of those years and we only had bratty teenagers with pillow cases and a weird mask with regular clothes come (according to Taylor) so I didn't really care too much, but this year, in our new house with our new young neighborhood I couldn't miss!
Cora had fun too and is worn out. First I spent a solid 20 minutes this afternoon messing with her and trying to get her to keep her witch hat on that I bought her. I knew she would never put up with wearing it but it was worth the $2 I spent on it at walmart to get one picture of her first Halloween with us. Poor dog. She did get about 15 cheerios out of the deal trying to get her to stay still enough to take a pic. Taylor came home and we ate dinner and right on cue the door bell starting ringing as soon as we finished and Cora came unglued. She was silent the whole time, not a peep out of her but she wanted to play with the kids sooo bad. She could barely contain herself. Now she is passed out, maybe I can quietly put the witch hat on her again and take one while she's sleeping. I'm mean, oh well.
poor tortured dog.
waiting for more little kids.
As far as costumes for me, I usually go all out, I buy the perfect shoes and costume and add to a store bought one or make my own completely. This year I went back and forth between copying Jessica Simpson and being a mummy for Halloween instead of a (soon to be) mommy and rockin the bump but I figured for just answering the door I wanted to be comfortable and was too lazy to make a killer costume so I just put orange glitter duct tape triangles and a mouth onto my black maternity shirt to make a jack o' latern face. I still felt festive without the effort and fuss. This is my first year not really dressing up and I felt like a traitor to my holiday but oh well. There is always next year.
 Honestly, This whole week has been a blast. Taylor and I started getting some things ready for the upcoming wedding next week and for baby's room. I went into full blown nesting mode the other day and spent four hours cleaning. I cleaned all of my baseboards and vaccuumed along every single wall with the hose including all the stairs and then the rest of the house. I mopped and cleaned our wood floors, scrubbed every inch of all of our bathrooms and generally picked up the place. I am sore now of course but I feel good about the place, I just couldn't stop. Taylor is gonna tackle and deep clean the kitchen this weekend and we should be all set for company :) I can't wait until everyone comes to town! They will be here from Thursday through monday.  Unfortunately I work the next 4 shifts in a row this weekend, fri-monday nights and It's going to kick my butt so the wedding and all the people will be an exciting reward for me. We also have our 20 week full anatomy scan and dr. appt on Tuesday so we get to see baby again for a 45 minute scan and make sure he looks healthy and my placenta is looking good still. I can't wait, I just love watching him!

Chalkboard time!

How far along? 19 weeks, baby is the size of a Mango
Total weight gain: I've gained 2 more pounds this week. total of -13 now. I am catching up I think but now I'm gonna start focusing on eating healthy instead of whatever will stay down which has been a lot of crap sorry to admit.

Maternity clothes? yep. See my pumpkin shirt this week that I made above.
Sleep: I've been sleeping like crap. I thought that this wasn't supposed to start until 3rd trimester but between my super vivid dreams that are often very scary and not finding a comfortable spot or temperature and having to get up to pee, it's been fun. I think God is prepping me for a newborn.  
Best moment this week: HALLOWEEN!!!!
Miss Anything? I kinda missed getting white girl wasted in a less than classy costume like I did in my college days but oh well, this is just as fun.
Movement: yep, he is rolling around and karate kicking me, It's still so amazing to me!
Food cravings: Not really anything this week bc of the massive amounts of Halloween candy I have been consuming.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. I haven't been sick in a while now! Yay!
Gender: a boy pumpkin
Symptoms: Just stretching and growing, some sore hips at night but that's about it. :)
Belly Button in or out? in but getting much much more shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! I loved Halloween this week sooooo fun. I am already thinking about what little man is going to be next year.
Looking forward to: My family coming in town next weekend for my cousin's wedding. I love family time. And our 20 week sono.

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