Monday, October 28, 2013

18 weeks

This week was fun! Knowing we have a little boy on the way is definitely starting to sink in for me. I was honestly SHOCKED and it took me a long time to change my way of thinking because I had visions of pink tutus and white scrolled cribs and glitter and rhinestone headbands dancing in my head. Now I have switched to bow ties and teddy bear hats and cars and trucks and football games. It just took me a week to get there. I am having fun looking endlessly at pictures of nurseries and décor and clothing and boy things. I always wanted an older brother so I am very excited my kids will have that!


I can't get over the cuteness.

Taylor and I went to home depot and picked out a dimmer switch for the baby's room so that I can turn it on just slightly for midnight feedings and diaper changes. He is going to install it tonight I think. We also got toilet paper roll holders (ridiculous I know because we have lived here almost a year now). We only really use 2 bathrooms (our master and the powder room down stairs) so it wasn't a big deal but with all our family coming into town in 2 weeks for this wedding we felt it was time to act like grown ups and install them. We also picked up some swatches of paint colors for the baby's room. We haven't quite decided yet what we are doing for color but probably will get a dark brown wood crib and do the theme in vintage cars and airplanes. My brain is going nuts with ideas!! I know a lot of you are dying to see the finished product because you all know I am crafty so I will post updates with pictures as we go and try to do craft tutorials if there is something I made. My mom and I will be making the crib skirt, curtains, throw pillow for the chair in his room, lamp shade, burp clothes, maybe a few blankets etc for his room and I think I have found fabric I like :)

I will give my weekend recap as well because this week was kind of boring but the weekend was crazy busy and a blast!

Friday I ran a bunch of errands and met up with my gorgeous friend Jenna to give her the costume I made for her little girl. I made her a ladybug costume with a hand died long sleeve red onesie that had black glitter polka dots on it. A red tutu with black polka dots and homemade wings that Taylor helped construct and I decorated. It turned out precious and I cannot wait to see it on!


Then Taylor and I went to my good friend Shannon's wedding in Wichita. She made a gorgeous bride and while it was a little chilly the wedding was beautiful and really fun.
 The gorgeous girls, Erin, Courtney and Shannon. (all nurses I work with).
Congrats Shannon and Josh!
 The reception and incedible fountains outside the boat house.
Me and my cute husband!
This is my "dress" I wore to the wedding. It was actually a XXL tunic style sweater that was long enough to be a dress and fit the bump. SOLD! I accessorized with gold jewelry, a leopard belt and shoes. Sorry for the bathroom photo shoot, I promised my mom I would take a pic of my outfit (she helped me pick it out) and the night was almost over.
Saturday was full of fun too. It started with a first birthday party for one of my former patient's. It was minion theme, check out this adorable cupcake and cake pop!

Then I went to my cousin's bachelorette party. We went to Lulu's thai noodles down town and had yummy Thai food. Delish! I ordered a virgin raspberry daiquiri and man was it good! We opened gifts, ate dinner and cupcakes.

 The gorgeous bride trying to discretely open her gifts.
We got snacks for the chiefs game ( I made guacamole and queso dip) and  we got TONS of candy for Halloween. I filled up my entire glitter skull with all different kinds of candy and I can't wait to pass it out to all the trick or treaters in our neighborhood!
Chalkboard time!

How far along? 18 weeks, baby is the size of a sweet potato
Total weight gain: I've gained 2 pounds this week, could be all the cupcakes I ate on Saturday. I am at a total of -15lbs.

Maternity clothes? Found a cute sweater dress for the wedding, (that is actually a tunic style sweater that is 2 sizes too big), maternity dresses are hard to find and expensive. This works perfectly, I'm wearing it with tights and heels and a cute belt to accentuate the bump :) see above^^
Sleep: Slept a lot better this week.  
Best moment this week: Finding out it's a boy!! I'm so excited to plan and shop. YAY!
Miss Anything? Not so much, I love being pregnant!
Movement: YES!!! and now I am the laziest person on the planet because I just lay around trying to feel him. The best part was that I couldn't tell if I could really feel his big kicks on my hand (from the outside, vs. just feeling him move inside), So I had Taylor put his hand on my belly the other night and I felt little man kick and didn't say anything, all of a sudden Taylor looked up at me and said "Was that him?!" He felt him!!! So exciting. I think he thinks it's more alien and weird than amazing and cool like I do but whatever, he felt him!
Food cravings: Still apples, mac and cheese, milk shakes. Comfort food still.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got sick the other day but just once and I don't remember what I ate. Other than that, things aren't really bothering me anymore. THANK GOD
Gender: MAN CHILD!!!! A little boy nugget :)
Symptoms: Round ligament pain still. Man that is just no joke, this child is growing growing growing and so my belly is too and the other day I got up out of bed really fast and It felt like someone snapped a huge rubber band from hip to hip below my belly. It made me hunch over because it surpised me so much and it's still sore a few days later, I talked to a nurse in L&D and she said as long as it's not intermittent pain like contractions and baby is moving and such I am fine but it kinda scared the crap out of this first time momma.
Belly Button in or out? in but getting much much more shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? on....and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! I am just getting so excited to meet him already, I am in a much better mood now that I don't really get sick anymore and now it's just the fun stuff, shopping, planning the nursery, choosing names :) I am just loving this.
Looking forward to: PAYDAY!!! I need to bank roll this operation. I think it's a blessing we aren't having a girl this round because we would no doubt have to sell our house on account of the all the tutu's and headbands. Boys have less accessories but man am I having fun still. Also looking forward to deciding on colors for the nursery and getting it painted and starting decorating the nursery.

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