Tuesday, November 10, 2015

21 weeks

How far along? 21 weeks, baby is the size of a Cantaloupe
Total weight gain: 7lbs
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff. Got a few dressier tops and some more short sleeve stuff to wear under scrubs.
Sleep: I've been sleeping horribly this week. I've been up alot to go to the bathroom, had some back pain at the start of the week and super weird vivid dreams at the end of this week. What on earth!?
Best moment this week: Just spending time with my family really. I just love my boys to death and sometimes it's good when there is nothing going on and we can just be. We did have our annual halloween party which was a blast and we bought Eleanor's crib on sunday! Yay!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach. Ha!
Movement: Alot this week. Her kicks are getting stronger and much more noticeable which I LOVE.
Food cravings: Cereal (I'm not usually a cereal person) and Sprite Zero. Not much else has sounded great.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally.
Belly Button in or out? in but more shallow
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Totally hit or miss this week but generally happy. I am excited for the holidays and getting ready for the princess. I hope to finally pick a wall color this week.
Looking forward to: Working on sister's room.

Our Halloween Party was so much fun. I will post pictures I promise! We had a great turn out of friends, neighbors, family and co-workers (which are more friends). Henry slept in until 9am (usually he gets up at 7:30) and then took a 3 hour nap so he got to stay up late and play with his little neighbor friends. He finally just laid down on the floor with his hands over his eyes and I asked him what was wrong and he came and crawled into my arms and put his head in the crook of my neck which is how he snuggles before he goes to sleep. The boy had had enough fun for one weekend I'm sure.
I took him to my in-law's offices and to Taylor's on friday so everyone could see him in his costume and he could pretend trick-or-treat. We don't really let him have candy ever unless it was a bite here or there of ours that we stole out of our own halloween bucket this year. He would point to it and say "Good-good!" Which is his name for anything sweet. So we didn't trick or treat this year. He can't say anything yet and he doesn't eat candy so there was no point. We will try next year. I will write more and have pics in a Halloween post.

I also did a little crafting during nap time this week. I made Eleanor's bow holder out of a pretty frame, some fabric and ribbon. Taylor will put little hooks all along the bottom to hand head bands from. And I made two tutu's for her newborn pics.

I got this crock out and Henry has had a blast playing hide and seek in it.

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