Friday, November 13, 2015

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks, baby is the size of an eggplant
Total weight gain: 8lbs
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff. I'm looking for a dress for Taylor's company christmas party, I ordered one and I'm hoping I like it and it fits. Otherwiese looking for an outfit for me and outfits for the fam to wear for christmas card pics.
Sleep: No weird dreams this week like last but the charlie horses have set in full force. I woke up the other night looking for the scary man who seemed to be ripping my calf muscle from the bone, nope. Just a charlie horse. YOUCH! I forgot how bad those hurt.
Best moment this week: Picking out paint colors for baby girl's room has been pretty fun. We put 3 samples on the wall and couldn't decide so I went and got two more and I think we found the one. Hopefully that means we will be painting and picking up her crib this weekend. Eek!!
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach. Ha!
Movement: She's been a moving fool this week! All the time, all over the place and so strong. I love that I don't have to lay around and focus on feeling and wait, it just happens throughout the day as if to say "hey mommy, I'm in here!"
Food cravings: We will just say carbs and sugar. Although BBQ has sounded pretty good lately, maybe I will make Taylor have that for dinner tomorrow night.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally and now the charlie horses.
Belly Button in or out? in but more shallow, Henry likes to poke it when I ask where baby is.
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week. I hate being moody so I try to keep that to a bare minimum.
Looking forward to: Working on sister's room! YAY!
I have officially lost my mind as well.... Henry has a chocolate brown glider chair and ottoman that are overstuffed and amazing. We spent good money on them and it was well worth it. Taylor and I both have spent many a night in there sleeping and holding our son and loving every second of it. I am reluctant to take the chair from his room as we still read books and rock in it, but sister will need it come March. I don't want chocolate brown in her lavender and white room so I want to cover the chair. The problem with slip covers is this. A) they are expensive especially to do an ottoman too. B) They rarely ever fit well and look nice. C) You constantly have to reposition the cover as it slips and slides all over to make it look nice and honestly I feel like a flat sheet draped on top often would look the same. SO..... I got on pinterest, lord help my husband, and have found several tutorials on how to cover a chair like this and be able to remove the cover to wash it. I own a sewing machine, I'm not terrible at sewing and I think I can handle the challenge. With Henry at KDO, see below, one day a week I think I can find the time to get it done too. I hope...

This week we went and found a kid's day out program for Henry. I have been looking for awhile now and just haven't been able to get myself to do it. I want him to have a teacher and little friends and learn to share and obey someone other than me and Taylor. I want him to have some structured learning time and work on colors and shapes and alphabets, sing songs, play etc. It offers him so much more than I can give him at home and I think it will be so good for him. Plus it gives me a day to either rest or get a ton of stuff done. When Eleanor comes it will give me a day with just her which will be nice. I can catch up on sleep and bonding and such. I want Henry to be well acclaimated to going each week and the routine long before Eleanor comes because I don't want him to think I am sending him away because of her. The KDO program is in a church literally feet from our house which means Eleanor and I can walk to go pick up Henry if we want to during the spring time. I'm excited to be able to give him this oppertunity.
Henry's first craft from KDO.

Other than that I am just getting a christmas list started for all my people. I am trying to decide what to get everyone and I am so excited for the holidays this year. Henry will be old enough to really start understanding what is going on and get excited about the lights and such. At least more than he did at 9 months last year. Taylor and I are probably going to be super lame and give each other practical gifts for our house like new white wooden blinds or the deep freezer we need etc etc. Henry on the other hand is going to be a blast to shop for. I have lots of ideas for him since he is at such a fun age this year.

A couple of things I have been working on for Eleanor's room. I made her this blankie.
 I found this print while we were searching the west bottoms antique stores for things for her room. I got choked up when I saw it and had to have it. This is the frame I chose for it and will hang it over her dresser in her room as part of a gallery wall.

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