Sunday, November 29, 2015


When we do thanksgiving, we do it big okay? My mother-in-law LOVES thanksgiving. That is HER holiday. She has mastered all the recipes and gets so excited about having the big dinner every year. Taylor's dad is too impatient to wait all day smelling the turkey so they eat at noon every year. Trust me, I am fine with it. That means we get up early and go over there and eat and hang out and nurse our tryptophan coma's afterward and then casually meander toward my parents house for round two at dinner time. I was in charge of bringing mashed potatoes and a dessert this year so Hankers helped me make the pioneer woman's pumpkin gingersnap caramel cheesecake.

I think he approves of the batter.

 Don't worry, once I smothered the top with caramel you couldn't see those cracks anymore.
 The next day was the big turkey feast x2. Hankers was preparing himself watching the parade.
 Look at these little twinsies
Everyone was getting ready and I just waited in my elastic waist maternity pants, thank you very much.


 DING DING Round two....
 My sister had to do a dessert too. She made an apple pie that was gorgeous, complete with a squirrel on top.
 She had already decorated for Christmas so she and my mom could come help me do my house the following day. This is the deer I gave her last year that she put in the living room and decorated. I love it!

 My shirt was a bit snug by the end of the day.

 My mom wanted me to try her dessert wine so I told her I would have a sip and she brought me this. HA!

 As if 2 thanksgiving dinners was not enough, we got prepared to do round 3 the next day. My mom and sister came over and helped me decorate for Christmas which was HUGELY helpful to me. My house is now clean and smells good and is cute for the holidays. I styled my hair for the first time since I got it cut.
 I need some practice but I think it turned out pretty good considering.
 We went to my grandmother's house (my dad's side) and had a massive turkey and all the fixin's

 My grandparents have had these plastic stacking boxes since I was Henry's age and he got to play with them too.

We are thoroughly turkey stuffed now and ready for a long winter's nap before Christmas craziness sets in. :)

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