Thursday, October 29, 2015

20 weeks and IT'S A GIRL (still)

How far along? 20 weeks, baby is the size of a Mango, although I looked at a mango tonight and it seemed much smaller in the walmart bin than I feel and she apparently weighs based on sono wednesday. She tipped the "scale" at 405g (14oz). I take care of babies outside of the womb as small as this or smaller, on a regular basis. So this measurement just blows my mind. Hard to beleive we are already this far! (my app last week said she is roughly 8.47oz and 6.02in from crown to rump, this week it jumped to 10.58oz and 10in. Huge growth spurt. Which explains my weight gain, see below.
Total weight gain: Up 3-4 pounds from pregnancy weight now depending on the day.
Maternity clothes? Same old stuff.
Sleep: Slept like a log this week. I did have to get up a few times to go to the bathroom but not as frequently as usual. I found a comfortable way to sleep again so I'm good to go.
Best moment this week: Seeing our princess at her sonogram on wednesday. Finding out she is perfect and healthy and that she is indeed still a girl. Then we went to the pumpkin patch/ apple orchard as a family and carved pumpkins this week and we had a dance party to my halloween playlist and while Henry was dancing to Michael Jackson's thriller he did the moonwalk randomly. So funny! and so much fun to make family memories.
Miss Anything? Still wine lol
Movement: The girl is a wild child. She moves constantly. I was literally just thinking the other day how I didn't feel Henry move at all until 17 weeks and Taylor and I couldn't feel him from the outside until close to 24 I beleive. This baby is so active and so strong. She kicks alot and we both can feel her so easily. I wondered if it was Henry's position in there or just my inexperience that made me not feel him as much or early as her. She also is breech and tap dances on my bladder and cervix. Fun.
Food cravings: Orange Juice, hot ham and cheese sandwiches, cheerios.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL!!!!! still. Our sono on wednesday confirmed again she is definitely 100% girl. YAY! 
Symptoms: Just going to the bathroom a lot and sciatic nerve pain occasionally but Taylor has rubbed my lower back for a few minutes and that has made a world of difference.
Belly Button in or out? in but more shallow now. Henry pokes it when I say "Where is baby?"
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy this week. I feel so much better having accomplished alot on my to do list of fun things and work things. I think that makes me feel so much better and I have been sleeping better. Big win for me.
Looking forward to: Halloween! Our costumes are going to be great this year. I am taking Henry trick or treating tomorrow at my in-laws offices and Taylor's too so everyone can see him all dressed up.

The biggest thing this week though was that we have officially decided on a name for our sweet girl. Eleanor Jean
She will be named after my great Aunt Eleanor and my Grandma Jean. My Mom's middle and my middle names are also Jean so she will be 4th generation which is very cool. A lot of people have asked what her nickname will be. Well so far we have called her E.J. a lot because our other name option was Evelyn Jane (we will just have to save that one for our next girl ;) ). Other than that we don't really have one. We are just going to call her by her name, Eleanor.

I officially bought some stuff for her room this week (besides the sheets and frames I got last week). I got her fabrics for a pillow for her chair (that I have to figure out how to cover, it's Henry's chocolate brown one so it definitely needs a new cover so it doesn't clash). I got two fabrics for a blanket for her like the ones I made Henry and also a swatch to go behind her frame for her headbands/ bows (which came in the mail this week!). I have really stepped up my nesting game lately too. Getting ready for our big halloween party has helped but I have been deep cleaning little things that desperately need it quite a bit lately. And I have really put my poor husband to work.

Here are pics from the Orchard/ Patch


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