Monday, March 10, 2014

37 weeks


This week I just have to keep chanting that to myself because until this week I have loved being pregnant.....until this week.

 I've had random painless braxton hicks contractions for about 5 weeks now. Sometimes just 1 or 2 a day, sometimes none, sometimes 10. But they just tighten my belly and don't hurt. No big deal right? Reassuring that my body has been practicing for the real deal. Sunday they started up again and got close together quickly but didn't really hurt. They were like 20-25 minutes apart. By the time I finished my shift monday night they were painful, intense and 5 minutes a part, just felt like horrid period cramps that wrap from my back through my entire abdomen and focus down in my pelvis. Tuesday morning when I got off work I had my weekly BPP and Henry did great but I was still contracting like crazy.
Grouchy little nugget with amazing cheeks and even a nose wrinkle this week.

 I went home to rest and take a hot shower and see if they went away or if they were real deal and got more intense. They didn't go away and just kept feeling stronger as I laid in bed. I have been told by a million people when they are 5 minutes apart lasting 1 minute and like that for an hour or more to go in.  I called L&D and told them this and that they were not at all excruciating just uncomfortable and they said to come in to get checked anyway. We packed up our bags (left them in the car until we knew it was the real deal) and headed toward the hospital. Before we left Taylor said "Babe, come here, feel my T-shirt", I went over and touched his chest and asked why I was feeling his shirt. He said, "It's the softest one I have, I want to have something soft on so when I snuggle him my shirt won't scratch his little face, do you think this is soft enough?" I about died. I just started bawling. What a wonderful man to even think about such a thing. He's such a good daddy already, it just melts my heart (sorry Taylor, I know you are tough and strong and manly but I had to share this part of our story, I don't ever want to forget that moment.)
Taylor's visitor badge for L&D :)

Montior and contraction strip

 I was having beautiful, strong contractions that were textbook perfect on the monitor every 5 minutes on the dot and Henry was tolerating so well. But, my cevix was high, thick and fingertip dilated, so they watched me for 2 hours and checked me again. No all. I think, ok whatever, this happens, first baby, it's early. They sent me home and Taylor and I spent the rest of the day doing everything we could think of to induce labor and get things progressing thinking we might as well... since this funfest had already started, or so we thought. We had super hot wings for lunch, a warm bath, walked the mall for 2.5 hours....
When the mall closed we even went to Target and walked around for an hour and Taylor had fun in the boy toy aisles. He keeps me laughing and I need that now more than ever. God I love that man.

....and other at home things like stairs and such and things got going big time. They were 4-5 minutes apart and increasingly painful but I could walk and talk through them, just had to slow down. They told me not to come back to L&D until they were too painful to do either of those things. So we went to bed exhausted and in pain. They slowed through the night and I woke up bawling that I still slept like crap and that they slowed, I felt like exhausting myself all day was for nothing. I had a scheduled appt on wednesday and my doctor checked me again. I was progressing....slowly, cervix still very high, but 50% effaced and dilated to a 1cm. I'm sure my dr. was just being generous to shut me up. She said I could easily do this for a few more weeks. WHAT?!?! I have never heard of people having real contractions like this for weeks at a time before actually delivering! Braxton hicks sure but not painful ones like that. I feel like women love to brag about the hell they went through during labor and that this would be a major bragging point but I have yet to hear these stories.  I had 5 days of contractions 3-10 minutes apart depending on how active I was, that hurt me and nothing happened. Still pregnant. Everyone keeps saying oh you're early, he's just not ready, he will come when he wants to. shit. I get that, I'm not stupid, I am 9 months pregnant and have been waiting for my baby to be in my arms for almost 3 years now. I WANT HIM OUT AND IN MY ARMS! But, I was in pain and exhausted and frustrated and scared for the 5th day in a row. He obviously isn't ready and my body apparently isn't either. I get that too but it doesn't change the fact that I am physically and emotionally exhausted. I haven't slept for more than 2 hours at a time since sunday and the sleep I have gotten has been horrible and interrupted because the contractions woke me up, then my hips would hurt from laying on them, then I would have to pee. (don't tell me to wait until I have a newborn screaming and that keeps me up all night....bring it on) I want my baby out where he is safe. Why can't anything in this pregnancy be easy or normal. Why can't I start contracting and have my baby like 48 hours later like normal first time moms. It just seems so unfair and I could do this for 2 more weeks. Throw on top of that, that I still have to work full time and my charge nurses have given more horrible busy assignments where I run the entire shift (not nice to do to a 9 month pregnant person, rude) but I always hope the running and crazyiness will help me move things along....obviously not.

Friday I took Taylor (or he took me) to the auto show at bartle hall, a happy husband and a night full of walking with distractions sounded pretty good to me. I didn't really contract much at the show though. I told Taylor it would be hilarious if my water broke there in front of all of those people. Only that kind of bang could be the icing on the cake to this pregnancy. The cherry on top, if you will. But oh well, nothing happened.

As of saturday things started to slow down which was ok by me, If I wasn't going into actual full blown active labor then at least I could get a little sleep and a break. My belly is so sore from the contractions and my hips, back and pelvis are too but I'm doing pretty good. I try not to whine, I got myself into this situation. I just would love to help get myself out. I worked saturday and sunday night shifts and had a better assignment than the last few weeks, thank god. I still contracted through both shifts but not as regularly. I have an appt tue (with our weekly sono) and I can't wait to find out if I am making progress. My doctor said she isn't considering induction at this time but that we can talk about it if things continue this way. It depends on how dilated I am. Maybe she will help me along a little bit. I wouldn't hate that. But if not, I will have to just wait it. We all know how good I am with being patient. Ha!
Here are a few pics of my swollen legs, and a video of how bad they get at night. Gross! Come on baby Henry, momma wants to feel normal again.

My leg runneth over my show and my knee apparently swallowed a grapefruit.
I need to submit this to a nursing school to show what pitting edema is. Fun!
And we got our maternity pics back. I'll share a few with you all.

Chalkboard Time!
See how happy I am about having contractions....not, I'm a good faker.
How far along? 37 weeks,  Baby is the size of a winter melon (whatever the hell that is). Somewhere above 6lbs 11oz I suppose. My doctor says he's gaining about an ounce/day at this time.
Total weight gain: gained 5 lbs but my doctor said it looks like all water weight and assured me this is normal for the last few weeks. I was devastated to look at the scale and SHOCKED but she pointed out the fact that as of wednesday I can no longer wear my wedding ring and my legs, arms, fingers, hands, and feet are very very swollen as you can see in my pics. I'm up 20lbs total now.
Maternity clothes? Nothing new.  
Sleep: I'm not sleeping at all. Between these contractions that happen every 5-15 minutes I wake up and then I have to pee or can't get comfortable. But, those are the ropes in the end of your 3rd trimester I suppose, I'm just exhausted.  
Best moment this week: Getting everything on my to-do list finished! What an incredible accomplishment. I literally have everything done that I wanted to get done. My house is spotless. Our bags are packed (and in the car now). It just feels good to be ready, emotionally and physically.
Miss Anything? SLEEP, but I've just got to get used to that. And moving like a normal person and I could do without useless contractions that hurt me and do nothing....minor detail.
Movement: More subtle movements this week again. Nothing extreme, I think little dude is running out of room.
Food cravings: Orange Juice and cereal
Symptoms: Contractions!!! UGH Ouch. Lots and lots of swelling, no sleep, going to the bathroom all the time.
Belly Button in or out? We will say flat-ish now. I don't think it's going to pop, I had a freakishly deep belly button to start.
Wedding rings on or off? Off as of wednesday :(. For some reason this has been really hard for me, I love my wedding ring and everything it stands for, I want it on.  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, I have been busting into tears randomly every single day and more and more as time goes on. I just am so exhausted and frustrated of going nowhere.
Looking forward to: Henry coming!! I just want to meet him, HURRY UP BABY!!

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