Monday, August 31, 2015

11 weeks

We were in florida with no chalkboard so this will have to do for this week.

How far along? 11 weeks, baby is the size of a fig!
Total weight gain: Not sure. I was on vacation!!!
Maternity clothes? Some like before. Nothing new. In fact I bought a few cute shirts for vacation that were just normal shirts that are kind of a flowy fit. Perfect for during and after pregnancy. I fit in my normal one piece swimsuit rocking my little bump too.
Sleep: I slept pretty good this week. Our bed in Florida was great and I brought my own three pillows. The sand and surf and sun and walking around and chasing Henry wore me out and outside of just 2-3 nights I slept the entire night strait and you better believe I took a nap during Henry's 2-3 hour nap, every. single. day.
Best moment this week: Spending 9 whole days with my boys living on beach time and just relaxing.
Miss Anything? I wish I could have had a daiquiri on the beach and some sushi but oh well. 
Movement: Still swear I feel a few movements here and there but who knows.
Food cravings: Outside of the daiquiri and sushi, I really wanted some crab which I got and a grouper sandwich, which I got. Happy momma.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I don't know what it was but I threw up a ton in the car on the way down to Florida and then nothing since. A few nauseous moments while we were gone, but not bad. 
Gender: Still too early. Still think girl.
Symptoms: All my symptoms started to subside this week. I feel like I have energy back now, not all but some and my sickness is starting to pass.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :) I'm hoping I can wear them for the whole pregnancy again this time. I HATE not wearing my rings.
Happy or Moody most of the time:Happy to have had so much time away and with my boys but even happier to be home with them and in our own beds in our own cozy house. I loved the beach but it's really REALLY good to be home.
Looking forward to: My 12 week Nuchal Translucency sonogram Monday morning. I am so incredibly nervous for some reason. I don't remember feeling nervous during Henry's pregnancy much at all but this poor baby has had me a mess. I had a horrible nightmare that was a flash back of the moment I got the call warning us Henry might have Spina Bifida although it was about this baby having Down's Syndrome. I'm just praying for peace and for a healthy baby.

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