Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Henry's 4th month

Happy 4 Months Henry!!

He's getting so big!!!!

Weight: 15 pounds 11 ounces. (60th percentile)
Length: 26.5" Thats 6 inches in 4 months. INSANE! No wonder nothing fits him length wise anymore. (95th percentile) And his head was 70th percentile.

Clothes:  He had a major growth spurt this past month. He is in 3-6mo stuff still but he has been seen in 6-9 month sleeper jammies lately AHHH! I actually just packed all of his newborn and 0-3 month stuff away because literally none of it fits anymore. Crazy! He had a full tub of clothing, apparently I like to shop.
These are 9mo rompers and they are a little baggie but they fit. AHH!

This is all newborn and 0-3 that I just put away :'(
Likes: "standing up" while we hold him, playing on his play mat, grabbing for toys and blankets and my hair, anything he can get his hot little hands on these days. He loves to snuggle and nap on my chest and he is starting to like the car more too. 

Dislikes: Being hungry or having dirty pants and sometimes he gets bored and wants to do something different or be picked up. TUMMY TIME! He HATES it. 
pure misery

He is so cute when he cries. Poor little thing. 

Sleeping: The kid sleeps like a champ, I'm not sure what I did to get so lucky. He goes to bed around 9-10pm and sleeps until 5am every single night. He will fuss enough to wake me up, I go in and pick him up and instantly his eyes close again and he eats with them shut and keeps them shut when I put him back down, then he will wake up to eat around 8 and sometimes goes back down until 10. BEST. BABY. EVER. He takes a nap (usually with momma before I work) from 1-4 each afternoon and then a little catnap after he eats around 5pm. 
Sometimes I put him on the island while I cook dinner, he passed out watching me cut veggies the other day. 

The kid could literally sleep anytime, anywhere. Just like momma. 

Eating: He is doing great with eating, he loves to nurse but takes a bottle well for daddy when I'm gone too. He is taking 4-5oz at a time for Taylor about twice in the evening before bed and once when he gets up at 5am. Still on 100% breastmilk and never a drop of formula. I'm so proud of that because let me tell ya, it's been a struggle to keep my supply up. Dr. Grossman said we can start on cereal and then veggies and fruits anytime in the next 2 months. I'm not sure I am ready yet but I did get out his bowls and spoons and buy some organic oatmeal (I plan on making all of his fruit/veggie purees when he starts). I actually just bought a baby food maker that steams and purees in one container from a friend of mine. I can't wait to try it out and see how he does but it's such a mess and it takes alot longer than just nursing him for 20 minutes! I'm dreading that part but I'm excited for him to try new things and to see how he does with it.

Playing: He is hilarious lately. He plays with toys above him on his swings, bats them around and grabs at them. He can pick up toys and put them to his mouth now and will roll over to get to one he sees. I've seen him take his pacifier out a few times and twice now he has put it back in correctly. His favorite toys are his "O-ball", his hungry caterpillar rattle and his white and navy striped whale. He also has really started liking his teething keys but hates when they are cold. He has started grabbing for and playing with our faces too, noses, eyes, hair, mouth etc. He is watching Cora alot and giggles when she kisses him (which is non-stop) it's a battle I have stopped trying to fight. He is trying to learn so much. It's really amazing to watch.
Other Milestones: He learned this past week to roll over!! Tuesday (the day of his shots even!) he rolled from back to tummy and Friday he rolled from tummy to back. He is standing on his feet alot with help now but is super strong and will lock his knees and stay up forever! His head control has gotten really good and he is responding when we call out to him by looking for us. He loves to screetch at the top of his lungs and has found his voice. He makes noise constantly. He's giggling all the time too and that is the best sound in the world.  
I knew he was getting close to rolling, he had started trying to grab at the things on his pegboard during diaper changes but hadn't flipped all the way over yet. 

Then I put him at the back of the couch the other day when he was asleep and I was sitting right next to him and got up to get a drink and I heard him squeak and looked over and the dog had gotten up on the couch. I thought she woke him up and was about to get mad but I walked over with my drink and he had woken up and rolled over once and she got up on the couch and laid in front of him to prevent him from going off the edge! So cute!! What a good little mother.

What Dr. Grossman Said: He said Henry looks great, he is right on track to where he should be and has hit all of his developmental milestones. He praised me for my hard work keeping my milk supply up and is excited to see how Henry likes his purees.
Out takes and Extras:

Oooh Giraffe mommy!!!

Distracted by Cora of course. 

Look mommy, I can touch him!

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