Monday, May 19, 2014

Henry's first Royals Game

My Uncle Mark wanted to go to the Royals game for his birthday so our whole family went! It was a blast but I was really worried how it was going to go down with an 8 week old. I was worried about the sun, carrying him around, his diaper bag, nursing in public, him being fussy etc. I'm definitely a worrier and alot of time it's unnecessary but this time seemed quite the undertaking of preparation and problem solving, but we did it and per usual, Henry did awesome. I got online and found out that Kauffman has a breastfeeding room for nursing mommas with recliners and air conditioning right behind home plate next to guest services. Since we are going to start using a bottle of pumped milk each night to get Henry used to them before I go back to work in a few weeks I just brought a bottle of pumped milk to the game and we just fed him that and it worked great, but it was good to know I could go to that room if he needed to eat again or was still hunry. Also guest services printed out a cute little certificate for Henry's 1st Royal's game with his name and the date on it. CUTE! And as far as transportationI decided to put him in his Moby wrap so we didn't have to worry about a stroller or carseat or just holding him. As far as sun, it was a little chilly out so he wore pants, long sleeve onesie and socks so all I had to worry about was his face and hands which I covered with his sun hat.  It worked out great. They let me take his diaper bag in even though it was technically over the size limit for the stadium and didn't say a word to me about it and he as usual was a perfect angel the whole game. We all just took turns holding him and he slept under his sun hat the whole time. They gave away fedora's because it was the "dress to the nines game" to celebrate the Negro league. Unfortunately for us, Taylor's head is too big for a normal size hat and I don't look good in them. Oh well. It was a blast!!

Sleepin in his Moby wrap with his sunnys on.

 The whole crew! Uncle Mark, Rachel, Marcus, Taylor, Me, Henry, Mom and Steve

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