Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Henry's 2nd month

Happy 2 Months Henry!!

Starting this month we will be doing comparisons from the month before. Here are his 1 month and 2 month pics. 

Weight: 12 pounds 6 ounces.  He is in the 50th percentile for weight.
Length: 24 inches. This is the 80th percentile (his head is 16 inches around and that is 90th percentile. He is definitely his father's son. )
Clothes:  Still wearing 0-3 month stuff, it fits around and length wise, I don't think he will be out this size for another few weeks. He has a few pairs of 3 month shorts that won't even stay up. Skinny little guy!
Likes: His favorite things are eating, being rocked in the rocking chair, being naked, laying on his belly on our chests, and staring at lights and the fan and BATHS!!! He also likes his stroller, we have been to the city market and on walks and to Deanna Rose Farmstead in his stroller and he does great. He is loving his momma lately, sometimes I'm the only one who can make it better and it feels good to know that he knows who I am and just wants me. Although sometimes it would be alot easier if he would let anyone calm and snuggle him so I can have a break. 
Dislikes: He still does NOT like his car seat but he is getting better in it. He did fantastic on the way to Arkansas for Aunt-E's graduation. 
Sleeping: He still sleeps in his bassinet next to our bed but that is about to change. We are getting his baby monitor this weekend and going to have him start sleeping in his crib so he is ready for when I go back to work in a few weeks. I am nervous about him moving so much farther away from me because I often get up in the night and just put my hand on him to make sure he is ok. As far as amount of sleep, he's amazing! He sleeps in 2-3 hour blocks a few times during the day, little cat naps and then at night he goes to bed between 10-11pm and sleeps until 4-6am depending on how well he ate during the day. Then he goes back to sleep for another 2-3 hours after his first morning feed. YAY! 
Eating: He eats like a champ! HE nurses every 3-4 hours during the day and has taken a few 5oz bottles no sweat because we are trying to get him used to one a day before I go back to work and his last feed of the night and first of the morning are bottles for Taylor. 
Playing: He still hates tummy time but he loves his play mat on the floor, he watches himself in the mirror on that and above him in his swing non-stop. He looks at his caterpillar toy that hangs over him in his carseat and is grabbing more with his hands. He will hold his blankets, pacifier and our shirts in his little fist. 
Other Milestones: He is smiling like crazy now and starting to coo alot. He will track us around the room and turn his head toward our voices. He will follow the ceiling fan with his eyes when you walk around the room. He holds his head up fairly well now and is getting alot stronger with his legs when you hold him upright.

What Dr. Grossman Said: Henry is very strong for his age and is a really social baby. He smiled and cooed at Dr. Grossman quite a bit and he was impressed with that and said he is above average for his socializing for his age and was impressed by how laid back he seemed. He isn't concerned about his spitting up or his kidneys at this time and we will just keep watching it.

More photos just because I love them all!

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