Saturday, February 1, 2014

32 weeks

Well where to start with this week...
There was good news and bad news so I guess we will start with the bad and finish with the happy. I like ending on a positive note.

 WHY does God take babies? Why does he need tiny nugget angels? Why? It's a question I will ask all the days of my life but will never find the answer to. It's heart wrenching and it makes my job SUCK. My heart just hurts. I went to my first baby funeral this week and we don't need to talk further. It was hard enough I'm sure by itself but then throw my pregnancy emotions into the mix and I have been a hot mess. Nurses need to grieve a loss too not just a family because for several months I was part of this family. I will heal, I will move on, I will cope and overcome but for it just is so hard. 
But onto good news, because good news rocks!!!
We had our 32 week growth sono this week and our first BPP (which stands for biophysical profile, a type of testing system they use to grade the baby on healthy it looks, how much it moves, "breathes", how the amniotic fluid looks etc). I will have these weekly from here on out to make sure Mr. man is doing well and growing like he should and that my placenta is functioning properly. (all of this stemming from our abnormal screening test in my second trimester that officially made us "high risk") But, so far my placenta has done a fantastic job! My child is HUGE. HUGE I TELL YOU!! Our sono was at 32 weeks and 4 days and Henry tipped the scales at a whopping 4lbs 14oz. To put it in perspective the 50th percentile weight for a baby at 32 weeks is 4lbs 4oz and 33 weeks is 4lbs 12 oz. So technically he is measuring bigger than even a 50th percentile 33 weeker.
I snagged this from It shows 50th percentile numbers for each week. Sorry about the quality of pic, I took it with my iphone from the computer screen.

Makes me nervous that I have 7 weeks left and he is already about 5 lbs. I deff am going to have a 10 pounder. But it makes me feel better about looking so huge, or at least feeling like it.
We found out also that baby has a full head of hair. You could see it waving in the fluid on the sonogram and it looked so long! It was incredible to see and Taylor and I both cheered a little bc we think babies with lots of hair are so cute. Yay Henry! He also has mommas massive cheeks and daddy's lips and nose. He looks like Taylor's twin truthfully, it's kinda creepy how much I look at the 3D picture and see Taylor, but I love it.
He was pouting, but he for sure has Taylor's lips and forehead.

OK sorry for bad quality again but look. This is from my chart. Look where it says he is 75th and 80th percentile based on his size. and that it says 1w1d ahead! If they made his due date based on his size it would be 3/14 instead of 3/22. AHHH

I've got a cute husband so if my baby looks like him, I'm cool with that. But overall Henry looks good, he has a right kidney that is dilated with a little fluid but we will just keep watching him and maybe do some follow up sonos of his kidney once he is born to make sure the fluid resolves. It's fairly common with boys especially. I just love seeing my baby on sonogram, he is so real each time I see him and he is moving and I feel him and see him at the same time. Hiding his face, moving his hands and legs, wriggling around etc. I just can NOT wait to meet him and Taylor and I have said over and over again after this sono, "ahhh I'm just so excited!!"

My mom also had her birthday on thursday. We took her to cheesecake factory for dinner and got her a cute little cupcake charm with a golden cherry on top for her pandora bracelet. We also got her a chocolate cupcake with golden glitter on top. I hope she had a great day because we loved celebrating for her.

And the best news of all this week is that friday.......was payday!!!!! hah jk this was not the best news but it's fun to replenish funds in our account so we can keep working on baby things and getting ready for Henry. I went to Burlington Coat Factory the other day because I remembered they have a "baby depot" and I got TONS of clothes for Henry for super cheap prices and most of it was Carter's brand. I'm excited to wash it all for him and get it ready to wear. I need to clean out his dresser and get things ready for him! Eek!! Can't wait. I am trying to find soft fabric bins that will fit in his drawers to organize socks from hats from bibs from pants from onesies etc.  And tommorrow is my baby shower at work so I will be so excited to see what we get for him. I think the only big things we have left are his carseat/ stroller and his baby monitor. Just alot of little essentials left!
Sorry it's blurry, no idea why! But check out that sweet batman onesie in th elower left hand corner ($1.99 folks!)

Chalkboard time!

How far along? 32 weeks, baby is the size of a squash (whatever that means) Technically a pumpkin is a type of squash or gourd and I feel like I have a pumpkin sticking off my front so that makes sense I suppose. But officially he weighs 4lbs 14oz this week.
Total weight gain: Haven't gained any this week, still teeter tottering between 6-7lbs over pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? My wonderful stepdad took me to lunch on monday and then shopping to find me a shirt for my maternity pictures and next baby shower. I got an adorable navy blue cardigan and a grey and white polka dot chambray shirt (in last week's picture) (both of which are not maternity clothes but my belly looks kinda cute sticking out of them and I can wear them when I'm not pregnant which is awesome. I've really tried to be smart about my "maternity" purchases and get stuff I will get lots of use out of or be able to wear when I am not pregnant.
Sleep: eh, depends on the day. I have been having bad dreams lately (I have had them since I was little, off and on when I am stressed or upset usually) I've woken up in a cold sweat a few times this week because of all that has happened and it hasn't been fun.
Best moment this week: seeing little man on ultrasound again. Making more progress on his room. Finding out he has a full head of HAIR! Yay! I love hairy babies lol.
Miss Anything? Having normal emotional responses to things, sleeping on my belly, walking around without getting tired and taking deep breaths and GETTING OFF THE COUCH LIKE A NORMAL PERSON! I have to like do this weird roll move, awkward. lol. And my back not hurting.
Movement: I just can't get enough of this. I am already starting to get sad because I know once he is born I won't get to feel him like that again, it's just a constant reminder that he is ok and that he is alive and real.
Food cravings: Orange juice like usual. and I finally got my bowl of shrimp/tomatoe bisque I had been craving.
Symptoms: tossing and turning when I sleep, peeing all the time, swelling ankles and feet, feeling huge (is that a symptom?), shortness of breath, low energy. this sharp stabby feeling in my crotch when I get up from laying down (doctor says he is laying low and everything is stretching and getting ready. YIKES!
Belly Button in or out? We will say flat-ish now.
Wedding rings on or off? still on but they get a little snug at the end of the day or if I walk with my hands down for a long time. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been a train wreck this week, with everything going on and getting ready for my life to drastically change I just am nervous and I am emotional and weepy. It's obnoxious, I want my happy self back :(
Looking forward to: I want his freaking chair to come!!!!! And of course my baby shower at work! Can't wait!!

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