Thursday, January 23, 2014

30 weeks

I' ve never understood that or how much power it has over a pregnant woman. Our teacher of our childbirth class saturday said this "Nesting is an odd thing. Guys, If she HAS to get the crib put together TONIGHT or if she has this uncontrollable urge to hang a picture in the baby's room or do loads of little nugget laundry....just do it or get out of her way and let her do it" It's true and It's so frustrating, I feel like I have absolutely no control over my urge to clean. I have literally cried (thrice) at my inability to finish the tasks on my mental to-do list for cleaning our house. We are not hoarders, we do not live in filth, our house is pretty dang clean with the exception of dishes in the sink and laundry piled up in the laundry room. But, this week I was laying in bed after a long 12 hour shift and I couldn't sleep. I just laid there thinking "wow, you are wasting your entire day laying here, GET UP! CLEAN!"  I had to get up right then and clean....speaking of which, I'm getting the urge again now, it's like an itch. I simply can't stand to see my house out of order these days.  It's a fine balance between energy (and breath) and how much it drives me crazy that determines what gets done and when. And we aren't talking stuff like "oh the dishes in the sink or the trash in the bathroom is full". We are talking all of that AND the baseboards are looking a bit too dusty, there is dog hair in the cracks of the steps, the ceiling fan blades need to be wiped down and every surface of every bathroom needs to be BLEACHED....NOW! But, I've got this killer "cleaning house" playlist that I put on and it has everything from Kenny Loggins- danger zone to jock jams to old Britney Spears and some Doobie Brothers, Journey, Fleetwood Mac and REO Speedwagon mixed in. It makes me happy and fills my house as I go nuts like a mad woman getting things done. Then I get tired and stop and feel like I've done nothing and want to get up and keep comes the part where we take into account my energy level and amount of breath in my lungs (which is not alot these days). If there is enough of both, then I get up and keep going and if not, I just try my best to ignore it for now. I've got the day off though and Cora is roaming around with a string of silver tinsel hanging from her mouth left over from the Christmas decorations I put away last week. It's my cue to get going again. Thanks Cora.
see her tinsel?

Other than that we didn't do much this week. Just hangin out and waiting for the nugget to come!


I feel massive, thank you very much.  

How far along? 30 weeks, baby is the size of a cucumber. 15.2t to 16.7 inches long and up to 3.8 lbs! Whoa! We will get an official size next week at our sono.
Total weight gain: I just keep going up and down. I am staying within 2 pounds up or down of my pre-pregnancy weight still.
Maternity clothes? Getting stuff ready to go for my hospital bag! I'll do a post about that all by itself in a bit :)
Sleep: Exhausted, weird dreams and sleepless nights, getting up to pee the second I get comfortable. Not a good combo.
Best moment this week: Finishing munchkin's bedding with my mom and grandma.
Miss Anything? Having normal emotional responses to things, a glass of wine, sleeping on my belly, walking around without getting tired and taking deep breaths and GETTING OFF THE COUCH LIKE A NORMAL PERSON! I have to like do this weird roll move, awkward. lol.
Movement: He's gotten so strong, sometimes his big movements hurt!
Food cravings: Shrimp tomatoe bisque from O'Neil's. I can't stop thinking about it. And I made a funfetti cake this week just because it sounded good :)
Symptoms: Back pain, tossing and turning when I sleep, swelling ankles and feet, feeling huge (is that a symptom?), shortness of breath
Belly Button in or out? We will say flat-ish now.
Wedding rings on or off? on but they get a little snug at the end of the day or if I walk with my hands down for a long time. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but sooo emotional, I cry at everything and it's really really annoying and this nesting thing is just ridiculous.
Looking forward to: My next sono (Janurary 29th). And finishing his nursery, I'm so eager and anxious to get it done.

and just because we goof around doing these weekly photo shoots, here is my Jazz Hands pic taylor told me to do.....awkward.


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