Wednesday, January 15, 2014

29 weeks

Things are feeling more and more real each week, it's really crazy to me.  The fact that there is a HUMAN in my stomach growing and changing and getting ready to walk into our world is really just nuts. It was really really hard to beleive that all of this was really happening when I first got pregnant, I was in shock and I couldn't beleive it was our time, then my belly got bigger and I could start feeling him move and it just started to click, but starting to get baby stuff in our house and starting to celebrate him make it all come together so much more for me. I still walk in there and think "wow, I'm gonna be a mother soon" and then I get overwhelmed and turn the light off and walk back out :). I have TONS of projects that are left unfinished in there and I don't really know where to start, alot of them are unfinished because I need Taylor for the half that isn't done like hanging things and putting stuff on the walls etc. But we better get going because.....
I was thinking the other day that I will be considered full term (36 weeks) in 5.5weeks. WHAT?!? This week just kinda slammed me in the face, (or maybe it was sinus pressure I felt in my face because I was fighting a sinus infection all week and Taylor had bronchitis and a sinus infection, not.)
Taylor at urgent care....
Anyshways, we are both on antibiotics now and feeling better, thank god. But back to full term biz....we had our first child birth class on saturday or as Taylor called it the "all-day-crotch-a-thon" (there were only 2 crotch shots in 4 hours, pretty good considering it was a day full of crotch talk).  We weren't initially going to take a class, afterall, I have literally seen hundreds of deliveries, BUT like I've said before I come in with the NICU team as the mom is pushing and the baby is born. I don't know what a contraction feels like, when to go to the hospital, ways to cope with pain (until I get my epidural....hopefully) or what to expect before or after delivery. Neither does Taylor, so we decided that we should take the class, it's free and why not, we have nothing to lose. Knowledge is power friends.  So we went, and surprise there are alot of things that we already knew (or at least I did), and ALOT of things that I didn't know. So it ended up being great, now at 8am on a saturday morning for 4 hours, not the most ideal timing but I did get a long massage out of the deal while Taylor learned some pressure points, calming massage techniques and pain relief spots for me. SCORE! We have one more next week and it concludes with the tour of Labor and Delivery and that is where Taylor will get to see everything which I am super excited about. Again, knowledge is power friends and he is my level head in life, so I need him to be as calm and cool and collected about everything as he can be because honestly if I'm in pain, I might be freaking out.

After that....Taylor dropped me off at my maid of honor/ best friend's parents house for my first baby shower!! yay! Nothing is more fun to me than having an excuse to celebrate something, especially a new life. It was so wonderful to have so many amazing family and friends there to get excited about Henry with. My sister and Katie hosted it and they decorated it so incredibly cute. There was a burlap penant banner (be still my heart) with Henry's name on it (that I will use in his room somewhere), they hung up some onesies on a closeline, an amazing diaper cake and even a punch bowl filled with blue bubble bath punch with a rubber duck in it. CUTE!!! Sorry these are blurry, they were taken with my mom's crap phone because I forgot my camera....ugh
 me with the hostesses

 They had all the guests draw a number out of a basket and whatever number they got, they had to make a birthday card for Henry to open on that year, 1-21 I beleive. Now I have to keep track of them and remember to get them out each year for him, but what a cute idea. They they wrote funny notes or helpful advice onto diapers for us to read while we change him in the middle of the night. They also played a 10 question guessing game with questions about my pregnancy, Taylor and my birth weights, and baby Henry and the people that got the most right won and got cute prizes. And boy did we got showered! We got so many wonderful gifts, I feel so incredibly blessed. Almost everyone there was a mom themself so we got some cute clothing but ALOT of stuff we really need from nursing pads and baby tylenol to our pack n' play to baby bowls and spoons and cabinet locks for when he is older. People are so smart! So thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone that came! We love you dearly.

In other news, the basinette is set up in our room :) It makes my heart happy to look at it just waiting for a nugget to snuggle in it.

I painted this on a small canvas to hang on munchkin's wall. I love the book where the wild things are and so I needed a little nod of a quote in his room :)

**more pictures to come soon**

Chalkboard Time

How far along? 29 weeks, baby is the size of an acorn squash. But really that means a small bowling ball to me, because thats how he feels inside lol.
Total weight gain: I just keep going up and down. I am staying within 2 pounds up or down of my pre-pregnancy weight. 
Maternity clothes? yes, I got a super soft black sleep dress and a thin neon pink robe from target for cheap to take to the hospital as well. I also got some cute sleep bras and I am really starting to plan my hospital bag and try to get things together for it. I'm getting excited. 
Sleep: I'm soooo tired. I could barely keep my eyes open the other day to help Taylor get my to-do list done so he made me take a nap (which I loved him for!) and he cleaned out the entire garage while I slept and he even helped me put the basinette together to go by our bed. I have the best husband! He takes such good care of me. (I also have been sick so that doesn't help).
Best moment this week: My baby shower!!!!
Miss Anything? having normal emotional responses to things, a glass of wine, sleeping on my belly. 
Movement: Yep! he's getting strong, it doesn't hurt but sometimes it's uncomfortable. It's the weirdest but most amazing thing ever. He was going nuts all night last night at work, just rolling around and knees and elbows everywhere, it's hilarious to watch.
Food cravings: Nothing really. I still eat apples and orange juice every single day though. And usually a bag of popcorn too.
Symptoms: Back pain, tossing and turning when I sleep, swelling ankles and feet, feeling huge (is that a symptom?) 
Belly Button in or out? We will say flat-ish now.
Wedding rings on or off? on but they get a little snug at the end of the day or if I walk with my hands down for a long time. 
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy but sooo emotional, I cry at everything and it's really really annoying.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, which will hopefully happen on sunday and my next sono (Janurary 29th).

and just because she is cute and I love her....

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