Sunday, September 1, 2013

11 weeks

This week feels like it has taken forever to get here but also has taken forever to leave too. We have our next ultrasound on Sept 10th and we are DYING to see the baby and make sure everything looks ok. We also have our next doctor's appointment that same day so that will be good to check in.

This week also had a little bit of excitement that we wish we didn't have. I have felt much more sick the past week and had trouble keeping anything in my stomach including my anti-nausea medications, which means things were only getting worse. I got to the point where I was so sick that I couldn't keep even water down for the majority of Friday and all of Saturday. Luckily Taylor was home from work and could be with me. I was worried about how dehydrated I was getting and even more about how the baby was doing. I called Labor & Delivery and talked to one of the attendings, she suggested I come into the ER and get IV meds since I couldn't keep oral meds down and get some fluid so I would feel better.

We spent from 7:30pm to 2am in the ER but I got a few big bags of fluids and IV anti-nausea meds and even felt good enough by the time we left to eat something before we went to bed. The best part though was that the ER doc wanted to see the baby and get a heart rate to make sure it was ok. I LOVE GETTING TO SEE MY BABY! and it seems sooo weird to see how it's grown in a few weeks. It looked like a baby this time and not a gummy bear or a blinking bean. Needless to say, I feel soo much better today and I am so glad I went.
I am so lucky to have such an awesome husband to spend his Saturday night trying to make me laugh and distract me from feeling sick while we waited and waited and waited.

Here is the close up of the baby. It's laying on it's back inside the black circle, facing up with it's head on the right and its big belly on the left. Baby looked great strong and had a heart rate of 171.
On a more exciting note, I got a free nursing pillow, nursing cover and bought a bumbo seat and tray and a floor play mat with sides that fold up so that Cora (the dog) is less likely to trample the baby on the floor. I am all about saving money on all this ridiculously expensive baby stuff and if I can get it from online promotions, buy cheaper from friends or use coupons and sales I am all about it.
 Here is the picture of the bumbo seat and a playmat similar to the one we got. So excited!
Here is this week's chalkboard and stats

How far along? 11 weeks, baby is the size of a lime
Total weight gain: Lost another pound. Down a total of 15 lbs. 
Maternity clothes? Nope, not yet but this week I have noticed my stomach feels a lot more firm and is sticking out more.
Sleep: Still sleeping like a rock.
Best moment this week: Seeing the baby again on ultrasound.
Miss Anything? having an appetite
Movement: WAAY too soon still.
Food cravings: Taco Bell's cheesy gordita crunch and mashed potatoes
Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING
Gender: Taylor wants a boy, I would love a girl but of course we will be thrilled with either, just praying for a healthy baby. I think it's a girl based on the heart rate being higher this week.
Symptoms: Sick as a dog and just tired.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Not moody just don't feel good. Happy to be pregnant and have a healthy baby so far though.
Looking forward to: The end of my first trimester! Still want my belly to "pop" and to get to my 12 week mark for our next sonogram.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, so sorry to hear you ended up in hospital :(But yay for seeing your baby! I hope you are still feeling better x
