Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Eleanor 3 months

Happy 3 months sissy girl.

Weight: Not sure, I need to get on the scale with her and see how big she is.
Clothes: She is in 6 mo clothes now. She won't fit in really any of her 3 mo stuff anymore. I actually bought her a ton of 9 month stuff knowing it would be a tad big but Carter's was having a massive sale for memorial day and I stocked up for the summer for her. I got smart and bought jammies without feet in them and will do so from here on out so she can wear them longer.
Likes: Watching Henry and Cora, snuggling, rocking in her chair, her new big girl bed and her sound machine.
Dislikes: She is very impatient with waiting to be held, have her pants changed or waiting to eat. She does NOT like sharing momma's time with her brother.
Sleeping: She officially sleeps through the night. The most she ever gets up is once a night and it's usually around 5 or 6am and then goes right back to sleep until 8 or so. It's rare she gets up at all. She amazing! She also is taking a good long nap when Henry does each afternoon and little hour long cat nap in the morning and evening.
Eating: I went back to work this week and Taylor had to give her her first big bottle. We should have tried more milk in her nightly bottle with her antibiotic before I went back to work to get her used to more milk because apparently she drooled a lot for Taylor but she still did a pretty good job. I worked with her a lot this week with her evening bottles and Taylor said she did much better my second shift back. I'm officially pumping anywhere from 6-8oz in the night when I get up to pump. My first shift back to work I pumped 18oz, I couldn't believe it! I think the most I ever pumped with Henry was 13oz.
Playing: She is trying to laugh so hard right now and she will get one "ha!" out but that's about it. She is cooing and babbling and "talking" up a storm. She loves to interact with us and take everything in. Her little pink elephant toy on her carseat has become her favorite. I set it on her lap when we are in the car and I know if she is awake because she constantly plays with it and it crinkles so I can hear it. So funny!
Other Milestones: see above

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