Sunday, June 22, 2014

My birthday

This year I turned 27 err 25 (for the 3rd time). Taylor hates when I say that but, 25, it's still equidistant from 20 and 30. Although my 25th year sucked because we were just working and going through infertility treatment, the only good thing that happened that was big was buying our dream house. 24 was much better. I got married to the love of my life, nuff said. At 26 I got pregnant and had my sweet boy and that was amazing. So 27, what do you have in store? Guess we will find out!

We had a great time. I was at work from midnight until 7:30 but it was an easy shift and they had Chocolate cake at work for the June birthdays. Then Henry and I got to spend the day snuggling which was the best ever. I missed my boy so much during my first night back at work. Then when Taylor got home, gift in hand, we went to my parents house for dinner. We had steak and bell pepper kabobs on the grill and salad and ice cream sundaes for desert. My family gave me some wonderful gifts and we just had together time which is the best way to spend my day. It was all that I needed.
Someone was happy it was mommy's birthday!

Just chillin with Aunt-E

I made cupcakes for our block party last weekend and had left over batter after I filled two trays so I made star cakes with tiny cake pans I got at an antique store for me and Taylor (his birthday is June 28th)

Family picture

And then after sang happy birthday to me, Taylor not only blew out his candle, but mine too! Rude!

In honor of my birthday I'll share 27 facts about ma-self.
1. I LOVE being a mom more than any title I've ever had (girlfriend, fiance, wife, nurse, friend, sister, daughter etc)
2. I love having my nails painted all the time and try to make time to at least do my toes, but I'm too cheap most of the time to pay for a mani/pedi.
3. I absolutely HATE being hot and the heat, I really am not a fan of summer at all. I like fun holidays and events summer brings, but I would much rather it be spring or ideally fall all year round.
4. I have to force myself to put clean laundry away, I hate doing it and am really bad at it. (sorry Taylor).
5. I think the nursery theme for our next child regardless of boy or girl will be ocean/fish theme because I love them so much.
6. I love organizing our monthly dry erase calendar and filling in my work schedule, fun events with color coded markers and pictures and making sure our bills are written down on there (Color coded as well; i.e AT&T= orange, Mortgage= dark green, Student Loans=pink) so I feel organized and Taylor and I both know what is going on.
7. One of my favorite things in the world is when Taylor comes home from work and the dog and the baby and I are all at the door to meet him with hugs and kisses.
8.  I am a reality TV junkie. I love the real housewives of orange county and beverly hills, the kardashians and their spin offs, duck dynasty, etc etc
9. I will never go back to school ever, for anything. I love my job and I feel fulfilled.
10. I was a huge partyer in college, but now I rarely drink unless it's a glass of wine here or there.
11. I organize my grocery list first by listing ingredients I need for each meal meal I am making (ex: Stir fry= chicken, brown rice, bell peppers etc) and then below that by listing each item again in the section the items are found in the store (ex: dairy items: milk, yogurt; condiments/ canned: corn, ranch dressing;  meats: chicken breast, hamburger; frozen: ice cream, peas) so that I make sure I don't forget an item for whatever I make that week.
12. I could never get a tattoo because I am too indecisive
13. I am still obsessed with my wedding dress and can't bring myself to put it away because I just like to go look at it from time to time. It's a work of art and reminds me of one of the best days of my life.
14. My husband has my name saved in his phone as "angry pants" because I was grouchy with him when I was pregnant from time to time. It pisses me off so much because he really has it pretty dang good. Before that I was "the incubator" and before that I was "woman". Cute babe, cute.
15. I have night terrors several times/week. I wake up crying or screaming or just disturbed/bothered. I've had them since I was a little kid and I really wish they would stop.
16. One of my favorite desserts/ snacks is a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter, a couple of chocolate chips and a glass of milk.
17. I refuse to fully cook my cookies (I hate crunchy cookies). Warm cookie dough is what I go for, drives Taylor nuts.
18. I look every art class my high school offered (fibers, sculpture, ceramics, jewlery, drawing, painting, etc)
19. I'm horrified at scary movies, I can't watch them. See #15.
20. My top 5 bands or musicians in no order are: Michael Jackson, Phil Collins, George Strait, Goo Goo Dolls and Steely Dan
21. Taylor picked out my engagement/wedding rings by himself without any help or clues from me and it is EXACTLY what I would have chosen.
22. I rarely buy clothes or shoes unless I really need something for an event because I am too cheap. I wish I could just take $1000 and just get a new wardrobe without feeling guilty and start fresh.
23. My girl friends from college will be my best friends forever, we can get together and pick up right where we left off, just like we had seen each other yesterday. We can get together and party like old times or just sit on the couch and hang out and talk for hours and kids and husbands haven't changed a thing. I'm so lucky to have all of them.
24. I am signing up to be a bone marrow donor as soon as I am done nursing Henry (it's on my bucket list that I am working hard to mark things off of)
25. I'm a door slammer when I'm mad. I slammed my door so much as a teenager that my mom came in one time after I did it and just took a screw driver and took it right off the hinges for 3 months. Talk about a horrid punishment, no privacy as a teenager. But sadly, I still do it.
26. I get bloody noses frequently and sometimes for no reason at all. They last forever and drive me crazy!!!
27. I can't wait to see what is in store for my 27th year, I hope to enjoy Henry and Taylor and make many more fun memories for us as our family grows!

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