Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Time flies when you are havin' fun!

Holy COW!!! Time is flying, it needs to slow the heck down. Henry will be 4 weeks old this thursday and that is just blowing my mind. In a way it feels like a long time since we were in the hospital waiting for him to come and then at the same time it feels like seconds have passed since we brought him home. He has his 1 month Dr. appointment next week and that means I only have 8 more weeks off work. Thank God for a great maternity leave program at work. Honestly I can't imagine going back to work in 2 weeks (I am spoiled I know, most women go back at 6 weeks or sometimes 8 but rarely 12 weeks like I get. Don't worry I am incredibly grateful!). I just don't want it to end!!

My days with Henry are spent snuggling, taking naps, nursing, changing diapers, playing on the tummy time mat or in the swing or in the boppy or on my lap, rocking in his big rocker and reading books. Then, I pick up the house and have made dinner every night but other than that we watch alot of TV and just hang out together, it's pure heaven! Can't beat snuggling a sweet new baby.

Henry is really laid back, he just hangs out or snuggles me. He doesn't mind just laying on his back or in his boppy or swing and looking around while I get things done. He only gets bossy when it comes to his milk. The kid LOVES to eat. Thank God. I was honestly much more worried about having trouble feeding him than I was about pushing him out. But seriously, He goes from zero to sixty in no time when he wants to eat. He will be "sound asleep" and just start screaming bloody murder when it's time (just like his daddy. Wait. What?) And he gets a little grumpy when he has dirty pants (also like his daddy. jk jk) But he does look just like him. It's kind of creepy but also super cute.

His favorite way to snuggle is upright on our chest. He tucks his little hands and feet in and makes himself into a tiny ball (or as my mom calls him, a tree frog). Of course we are on picture overload lately so I will post a bunch of them for you to see! I gotta say I know that I am biased but I think he is pretty dang adorable :)

Twins with daddy! Taylor on the left, Henry on the right.

He looks a little like mommy too.

 He loves his bath, he falls asleep in it every time.

Cora always needs to help and make sure her baby is ok.

We took Henry to my grandmother's house and this was his handsome little outfit he wore.

 Screaming into his tummy time mat. He likes being on his back more. Sorry buddy

 Poor guy and his newborn rash. It's gone now thank god!

 We took him to my NICU patient reunion at work where all of the babies who spent time in the NICU are invited to come back and visit their nurses and doctors and speech/occupational/ respiratory therapists and show off how big and strong and healthy they are. It's so much fun for us nurses to see how well these kiddos are growing and get to visit with their parents again. We get close to their families and we really miss them when they go home. Taylor came with me to help out with Henry (I would have been shot dead if I showed up without my new baby at a work function). All the nurses were excited to see him and a few held him and snuggled on him. It was so much fun. Taylor's highlight was seeing slugger and taking a picture with him and Henry.
 Then we went to Nana and Papa's house to say hi afterward and get some more snuggles in.

The nugget HATES his carseat! HATES IT!

We went to Nana and Papa's again on sunday to go to their master tournament golf watch party. Henry had to look the part. How cute are these pants?! and the tie is way too big but it's pretty dang cute. 

More snuggles.

I think from here on out I will post big events or special things we do and Henry's monthly updates so I can keep this as his little journal and memory book. Keep reading!!

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