Monday, April 21, 2014

Henry's 1st month

Henry's first month. 
 The giraffe is the same giraffe that we got at our trip to the zoo in Arkansas with Erika when I was 15 weeks pregnant. I wanted to have a stuffed animal next to him each month so we can see how big he is getting compared to it.

Weight: 10 pounds 2 ounces, a gain of 2 pounds in 2.5weeks. I would say he is doing pretty well with eating. He is in the 55th percentile for weight.
Length: 22 inches. This is the 75th percentile and a gain of 1.5 inches in his first month.  (his head is 15.25 inches around and that is 90th percentile. He is definitely his father's son. )
Clothes: The munchkin started in newborn clothes that fit in length and were baggy around. Now he is way too long for newborn clothing even though they fit around him. His footie pajamas are too short and his toes get scrunched in the feet and his pants and outfits without feet in them look like flood waters. Poor guy. He is now in his 0-3 mo size stuff. 
Likes: His favorite things are eating, being rocked in the rocking chair, being naked, laying on his belly on our chests, and staring at lights and the fan and BATHS!!! He loves his baths, he hangs out in them so happy and kicks his little feet in the water. He loves his hair being washed and snuggling with Daddy in his towel afterward. He likes loud noises. He slept through the entire Easter church service filled with loud worship band and organ music, singing, clapping, talking etc. 
Dislikes: He does NOT like his car seat. He screams every time we put him in it and most of the time in the car until he finally gives up and passes out. He screams at red lights or when we stop too. He hates having dirty pants and being gassy. 
Sleeping: He sleeps in his bassinet next to our bed 4-5 hours at a time at night now for the most part. Sometimes he will do a 5 hour stretch then a 3 hour or vise versa. Some nights suck and he sleeps for 2 hour blocks, but most of the time he does well and I can't complain. He takes naps in the day quite a bit too. Yay Henry!
Eating: Homeboy loves to eat! He eats every 2 hours on the dot now during the day (every 4-5 for the most part at night). He cluster feeds before bed and eats almost every hour from 6-10ish in the evening. He spits up quite a bit and is a terrible burper. He cries every time we try to burp him but we get them out of him and then he is happy.  
Playing: He is much more alert during the day now than when he was first born. It's been so much fun because we get more opportunities to interact with him. He has several hour blocks in between naps where he is awake during the day. He looks around and plays with his hands (although I don't think he knows what he is doing). He lays on his "tummy time" play mat and usually screams when he is on his belly but he does great on his back looking at himself in the mirror above him and the toys overhead. He does his best tummy time work on our chest using his arms to push himself up and he is getting pretty strong. He also loves his swings and his stroller for walks. 
Other Milestones: We celebrated his first Easter and his first time at church. It was a blast to start traditions with him like taking him to the Easter Bunny for pictures.

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