Tuesday, August 13, 2013

8 weeks, 1st OB appt and Last infertility appt.

Tuesday we met with Dr. Steinbis, our new OB/GYN. We really liked her, she took her time with us and gave us a huge packet of information to reference throughout the pregnancy. They drew tons of labs to make sure everything looks ok. Dr. Steinbis said my uterus is a great size for how far along I am and said everything looks good so far. We discussed my worsening morning all day sickness. I have been so incredibly nauseous the past two weeks that I really can't keep anything down. I feel okay enough to try to eat something and it never stays. I can keep water down but that's about it lately. I also get frustrated because I try to eat but NOTHING sounds good. I have no appetite whatsoever and don't even feel hungry. Dr. Steinbis discussed the concerns with my weight loss to date (10.5lbs) and not getting enough nutrients for myself or for baby. She said with my prenatal vitamin and some food and water the baby will get what it needs but that she is concerned about my electrolytes and blood sugar and my hydration. She said that If I go longer than this without eating much or being able to keep it down we may have to look at more extreme ways to keep me hydrated like IV fluids and hospitalization. NO FUN!! She gave me a prescription for Zofran and for Phenergan and hopes that will help. If not, we will have to figure something else out. She will see me again in 4 weeks (September 10th) and we will also have our 12 week nuchal translucency ultrasound to check for down's syndrome, and trisomy 13 and 18 (chromosomal defects that are not compatible with life).
Today we had our "close out" appointment with our RE. It was definitely be bittersweet. I am so sad to leave these women who helped us create a miracle, but I am thrilled we have a baby coming and get to be on the "regular" OB side. Dr. Krieg (our reproductive endocrinologist) met with us and did our last scan. We got to see the baby again and the best part.....
WE GOT TO HEAR THE HEARTBEAT for the first time!
We both were on cloud nine. Here is a video of it.

It is one of the most wonderful sounds I have ever heard and it feels so good to know that the baby is doing so well. The heart was beating at 166 bpm today and that is perfect, which you can hear Dr. Krieg say on the video.

 It's hard to see but the baby is facing down with its head on the left side and its booty on the right. There are two white-ish lines pointing down and those are the arms and legs. I tried to label some parts for you to see.

Baby looks huge to us now compared to 6 and 7 week scans and is measuring perfectly. It has arm and leg buds growing and you can see it's head defined from it's body now. It looks like a baby and not just a dot or a bean. A little gummy bear baby! We got the all clear to be seen only at the OB clinic now and it just feels so good to have that accomplishment and to know they feel that the baby is safe and healthy and going to do just fine.

I was able to keep some of my food down yesterday and today so I feel a little bit better. Here is a picture of my favorite snack that I have actually been craving and no I don't care how good it is for you. Calories are the name of my game right now and this helps pack them in.

Here is a picture of the baby at all three sonos to date. 6 weeks, 7 weeks and 8 weeks. Look how much it has grown. The heart beats have been 108, 134 and 166 respectively and everything has looked great!

Here is the chalkboard from this week but that will soon be changing, I don't like it and I have more fun things to put on there now, like hearing the heartbeat and that we got to see some arms and legs :)

How far along? 8 weeks, baby is the size of a raspberry!
Total weight gain: down 10.5 lbs. :(
Maternity clothes? Nope, in fact my pants fit better this week than last, maybe due to weight loss?
Sleep: I feel like I sleep all the time and I sometimes feel really guilty that I am not being more productive, but I am growing a child here, I try not to care because I need rest!  
Best moment this week: Getting my prescriptions for Zofran and Phenergan, hopefully my nausea/vomiting will be better. And getting to meet our OB and get started feeling like a pregnant mommy at the doctor and not a girl just desperate to get pregnant.
Miss Anything? having a normal appetite and having a day that I didn't get sick
Movement: WAAY too soon still.
Food cravings: Strawberries and chocolate cream cheese.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: EVERYTHING
Gender: No idea, we will be thrilled either way. cough girl cough cough.
Symptoms: Just suuuper nauseous and sick and tired.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was totally moody today and a little of yesterday with no reason why, just irritable and grouchy :(. I hate that!!
Looking forward to: Can't wait to see our baby again. and I really really really want my belly to pop!! I want that little bump!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear about the terrible morning sickness and vomitting! :( I really hope the new medication helps and you don't have to resort to desperate measures like hospitalisation. Thinking of you and hoping you feel better soon xxx
