Thursday, August 8, 2013

7 weeks and our second ultrasound

Tuesday was our 2nd ultrasound. We get to have one more next week and then we have to wait awhile for our next. (around 12 weeks I believe). This is part of our close out requirements from the infertility clinic. 7 days after our first look at our baby and we were SHOCKED to see how much it has grown. About triple the size it was last week and looks more like a baby instead of a dot. Either way it's heart was beating strong at 134 bpm (108 last week). The sonographer and nurse said everything looked perfect and scheduled us for our close out appointments with our reproductive endocrinologist. Next Wednesday our RE will do our longer more comprehensive sono and will talk with us in her office about our experience and our questions, concerns and comments and if everything looks good we will have our first appointment with my new OB/GYN and maybe another sono if we are lucky! The appointments with both doctors are 1 day a part and I am hoping that they can tell us how baby is measuring compared to our estimated due date and set an actual due date for us. Here are the pics of the baby this week and the last is the comparison from this week and last.

The baby is the blob on top inside the dark circle.

The 6 week on top and 7 week on bottom. Look how big baby has gotten!

And chalkboard pics.

How far along? 7 weeks, baby is the size of a blueberry!
Total weight gain: down 7 lbs. I talked to the nurse and she said as long as I can eat a little bit each day and take my vitamins, the baby will get what it needs. I have no appetite and when something does sound good I am usually too nauseous to eat much or keep it down. Not fun but it will be so worth it as long as baby is ok and growing.
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I did buy a belly band (to keep my regular pants up when they get too tight in the waist, it just looks like you are wearing a tank top under a normal shirt and is super comfy). I officially rubber banded my jeans closed the other day
Sleep: Still exhausted but I have discovered the more sleep I get, the less nauseous I feel.
Best moment this week: Seeing how much our baby has grown in 1 week and seeing that heartbeat again.
Miss Anything? having a normal appetite.
Movement: WAAY too soon
Food cravings: Grilled cheese and tomato soup (we had that for dinner tonight) and rotisserie chicken.
Anything making you queasy or sick: we went to the city market and all of the smells really got to me.
Gender: No idea, we will be thrilled either way. cough girl cough cough.
Symptoms: super nauseous, tired and had a little heartburn yesterday.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still Happy & EXCITED
Looking forward to: Our next Ultrasound and our close out and first OB appts next week.

We got our first baby gift too from Auntie Kylie. So excited about this!!

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