Saturday, February 27, 2016

37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks, the size of a winter melon
Total weight gain: Still at 19 pounds. I weighed more at my appt right after working a full shift and being on my feet most of the night but I was really puffy in my ankles and legs and my doctor noticed. She said most of that was swelling. Sure enough I woke up the next day back to my normal weight and swelling was gone.
Maternity clothes? Whatever will fit over the bump these days. And my loosest pants, yoga, leggings, looser maternity jeans.
Sleep:Not sleeping great. I wake up every 1.5-2 hours to go to the bathroom and flip sides and I've had horrible nightmares lately.
Best moment this week: Getting to see my girl at her sono and know she is healthy and doing okay.
Miss Anything? Sleeping and moving like normal. I'm ready to get my body back.
Movement: She's moving still but not as big of movements or as often, she sleeps alot lately and she is way down in my pelvis so she can't go very far.
Food cravings: ICE and peach slushies from sonic. Thank god they're sugar free. Spicy food too.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: Lots of upset stomach, braxton hicks and pelvic pressure/ pain. Some cramping and back ache intermittently.
Belly Button in or out? flat, completely. It's weird.
Wedding rings on or off? still on! Even on nights I'm swollen at work I can put it on in the morning when I leave.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happier this week. Just ready though
Looking forward to:
ELEANOR BEING BORN!!!! Remember last week when I said I wasn't dying for her to come yet? Yeah well that all changed when I had my appointment this week. Tuesday the resident saw me first and said "oh honey, you're all baby." when she felt my belly. I measured 40 weeks even though I'm only 37. Then Dr. Steinbis came in and said the same thing and felt around my belly for a bit and said, "I'm guessing she's 8.5-9lbs right about now". I thought, oh well, no biggie I can do this. Henry was 8lbs 7oz and that was totally doable. She had me schedule a growth sono for thursday since I had measured big at her 32 week growth sono (5lbs 6oz then). Sure enough I had my scan and they said she is tippin the scales at 9lbs 4oz. Now I know those can be off a bit but if I'm measuring big and she has been measuring big for several weeks and I feel huge, I'm sure she's no 6lber in there. I'm just praying this week goes quickly and she either comes on her own or my doctor can help her come on her own before I hit 39 weeks next saturday. I'm afraid she will be 10 lbs and I won't be able to get her out and I will have a c-section. I'm terrified of that outcome and I want so incredible badly to have her "naturally" (for those who don't like the V word). Please say a little prayer for me, that I can be strong and cool and calm and collected and get her out effectively and safely on my own without a surgeon's help.

What we did this week:
This week was much smoother than last now that Henry is feeling much better. His appetite is back full force, thank god! I'm so much more relaxed when that kid eats. He's been in a great mood and has been easy to handle for me this week which I greatly appreciate. I'm huge and tired and sore and he has been a dream, lots of snuggles and good naps and patience with me on his part. That little guy is the best ever.

Outside of that we really did nothing. We are ready for this little girl to make her appearance any time now. I'm super anxious about it so I've got the bags packed and the list made of what needs to be added last minute like my makeup and pillows. I want to do our floors one more time and maybe go around and dust one more time but the laundry is all caught up, the dishes too, the toys are organized and more or less in the shelves instead of scattered all over my main floor of my house. The kids rooms are spotless and outside of some stuff on our guest bed for easter and Henry's birthday/ party, the guest room and our room are too. I even have a bag of food packed for Cora with a scoop for 4 days so she has plenty to get by while we may be gone. Henry's suitcase is packed with everything but his giraffe and blankies he sleeps with and some pants that he wears regularly to go with his 3 big brother shirts I got him.

So what it comes down to is.....COME ONNNNNN BABY ELEANOR! We can't wait to meet you and squish your chubby cheeks!!

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