Friday, February 5, 2016

34 weeks

How far along? 34 weeks, baby is the size of a butternut squash. The rate she is going she's about 6lbs now. Scary.
Total weight gain:  down 2 lbs this week for a total of 17 up.
Maternity clothes? whatever fits, comfy is the name of my game lately. Think leggings, yoga pants, t-shirts.
Sleep: Still sleeping horribly. I can't get comfortable, getting up to pee, leg cramps, bad dreams, baby moving, pregnancy insomnia where I literally just lay awake for hours. You name it.
Best moment this week: Getting the week off with my sweet boy. I am cherishing him as much as humanly possible before he has to share me with another little.
Miss Anything? being comfortable and being able to move.
Movement: Still lots of movement, just not as big as she runs out of room. She is definitely head down still, thank god.
Food cravings: pickles, sweets and buffalo chicken dip. I made another batch of it the other day because It was the only thing to sound good. I've honestly had a horrid appetite lately, nothing sounds good at all to me.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: my pelvis and hips are super sore and my lower back too. Charlie horses in my legs, peanut bladder.
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy though it may not seem like it. I really am getting so excited for her to be here but I'm just emotional too.
Looking forward to:
My mom is taking Henry this weekend for a fun overnight which will be a blast for him and thus Taylor and I get time to have a little date night and get some things done. We are planning on dinner, doing our taxes, birthday shopping for Henry, cleaning out the garage and getting some small tasks done around the house, maybe going to get blinds for some of our windows with our Christmas money. You know, Adulting. But I really am looking forward to some one on one time with Taylor, we really need it.

What we did this week:
I finished Eleanor's chair cover!! Yay! It turned out so pretty and I really am so proud of it. I honestly can't believe I figured out how to do it and make it look semi-professional. I even made her a little throw pillow to go on it. Her room is entirely set up now. 

My mom will be helping me decide how to arrange the things for her gallery wall when she comes to get Henry tomorrow and then Taylor and I can hang it and really be totally done and ready for her to get here. I even packed a snack bag for Taylor for the hospital and Cora's food for a few days in a bag with a scoop all by the door and ready to go. You could say nesting is on full force. My house is driving me INSANE. I'm trying to get things done one day at a time without overdoing it. I have all these little projects like organizing certain cabinets and closets and stuff. Hopefully I can get it all done in the next few weeks.

I also had my doctor's appointment, I got some amazing 3D pictures of little miss.

It was so much fun to see her and get a glimpse of what I'm looking forward to. I really think the sonos help me bond and I've been worried about that a lot and how I will share time, love and attention with both kiddos. It won't be a quiet relaxing maternity leave like I had with Henry where I literally laid on the couch or in bed with him all day long and nursed and napped, nursed and napped.
I'm trying to enjoy Henry while I have him to myself. He woke up last night at 2am and I had actually been asleep, I was hoping he would go back to sleep like he normally does but he didn't. I decided to go in and instead of rushing to get him back down, I changed him and took him into Eleanor's room with a big blanket and just snuggled him on my chest for a solid 30-40 minutes, long long after he had fallen back to sleep. I couldn't get myself to put him down. I just wanted to hold him like that forever. If I hadn't been so tired I think I would have stayed there all night. Those moments are so precious to me and I think I have taken too many of them for granted. Life gets busy and hurried and this momma likes sleep. It was a good reminder to slow down and soak him in a little more. The days of just him are numbered, literally. *cough*34 days to go *cough cough*. It could be less truthfully, Eleanor is officially measuring large for gestational age and that means she could come early or my doctor may help her come early if she is still measuring big in the next few weeks. I will probably have another growth sono as my due date gets closer to check on her again and make sure everything looks okay. I'm honestly terrified I won't be able to get her out and have to have a c-section but as long as we are both healthy I will do whatever I have to. I begged my doctor to do anything and everything to keep me out of the OR. She said she would do her very best. So we will see!

Henry wasn't feeling great this week so we had lots of snuggling which was fantastic.

 I've been craving ice lately and my sweet husband brought me home a huge bag of it from Sonic. WIN!!

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