Thursday, December 10, 2015

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks, baby is the size of a head of cauliflower
Total weight gain: 13lbs
Maternity clothes? Got another pair of my favorite maternity jeans and my favorite maternity t-shirt, comfort is key here folks.
Sleep: Holy Night terrors. What on earth?! I wake up sweating or crying or freaking out every single time I fall asleep. Scary things like robbery, car jacking, rape, murder, kidnapping my babies, house fires, natural disasters etc etc. My brain needs to give my emotions a rest for pete's sake.
Best moment this week: Henry's first day of school, read below. And passing my glucose test!!
Miss Anything? wine still. Oh well.
Movement: All the time. She finally flipped head down this week, thank god. Now she just needs to stay that way.
Food cravings: Chocolate milk, chocolate in general really.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: This whole night terror thing can stop any time.
Belly Button in or out? Getting pretty shallow these days, I actually wonder if it will pop this time, kinda doubt it though.
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to:
Our family pictures are saturday. I can't wait to do them and see them! Spending time with my mom (and sister) this next week. She took a few days off work to get some projects done and help me get some done too. She was sick today and we had planned for her to come over to help paint Eleanor's bathroom, dresser and hang up some stuff in her room. We will just move it to a different day when she feels better. She caught what the rest of us have had and my fam is finally feeling better so no way are we risking them getting sick again. Decorating can wait.
What we did this week:
Got our tree! Our tree farm we normally go is closed this year and I wasn't about to pay $112 for a shipped in from vermont tree at the runner up farm we chose so we took our pics and got the dang tree for $46 at home depot. FOR. THE. WIN. It's a beaut Clark. It really is one of our prettiest (and cheapest) yet. Taylor shaved off the bottom of the trunk for me to make a medallion of our family members with the year on it like we have always done. We have 5 now, hard to believe. And we decorated it tonight before I went to work. Henry looks at it and says "oooh dat!" and "smells" it (he really blows on it because he doesn't quite understand that you breathe in instead of out yet).

I had my doctor appt yesterday and that went well. Eleanor's heart sounds great, she is active and my blood work I had drawn proved I passed my glucose test! No diabetes for me! Bring on the Christmas baking!

Today was really the fun day though. Henry started school! It was his first day and I was a little nervous about how he would do with lunch and nap but he ate well. I packed a PB&J because I know he will eat that without fail, a cheese stick, some berries and grapes and some strawberry puff squares he likes and a water in his sippy cup. He took a nap after some convincing and his teacher rubbing his back and actually slept for an hour. His teacher said that's pretty good for his first day. He ran in when I put him down this morning and while I made up his cot with his sheet and blanket he started playing with toys with the other kids. I kissed him goodbye and told him to be good and he didn't even look up or blink. No acknowledgment whatsoever. I guess that's a good thing, better than me leaving him screaming and crying. Like I said, we had planned for my mom to come over but instead I went and ran errands. By. My. Self! It's the first time I have done that since maybe before henry was even born. It was glorious, no kid's time table, no fussing, no grabbing things off the shelf or becoming impatient and best of all, no doing and undoing a kiddo into a carseat every where we go. It was so nice and freeing to be able to walk in and out quickly or just take my time. I went to Joann and got some fabric for Eleanor, two more blankies and matching burp rags are in the works and a few other little trinkets. I ran to target and got Taylor a few sweater options for him to try on for our family pictures saturday and even went to Old Navy to find him a shirt to wear if he didn't like the sweaters. I got to take a good long nap too before work and then went to pick up Henry. I was so excited to go get him and see how he did. He was playing with his back turned toward me when I walked in and I turned him around and said hello to him and sort of was hoping for squeals of delight and big smiles and I got a little grin and him pointing to the door. He wanted to go home and was happy I was there but he was content where he was too. That made me feel really good that he had a good day. It was great for both of us. I love our time together but I also love that he has the oppertunity to go learn and play and share and grow while I have time to recoup from mommyhood fatigue. Win. Win. 
Baby's first packed lunch.  sniffle sniffle.

I tried to take a picture of him with his backpack on but it was too heavy and he fell over.  I was dying laughing. He was not. 

He was a happy boy to be home. 

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