Saturday, November 16, 2013

20 weeks

Not much exciting happened this week. We basically spent the week deep cleaning the house. I went into full blown nesting mode this week. I took the vacuum cleaner hose and went along every baseboard and step in our house and got rid of all the dust and dirt and dog hair that had settled there. Gross!! Then I scrubbed all 4 of our bathrooms completely from top to bottom. I did laundry and cleaned out our closet and started getting the baby's room ready. I cleaned and mopped all of our hard wood floors and dusted etc etc you name it. Taylor helped deep clean and scrub every square inch of the kitchen and helped with laundry and such. I just couldn't stop. But it was good because we were getting ready for all our family to be in town. I didn't realize that nesting started so early but I was just ready for a sparkly house for our baby and guests. I have energy back now so that was super helpful too.  Other than that we just worked and slept basically.

We had our 20 week ultrasound on Tuesday and baby looks perfect! He measured 13oz and we got a few cute pictures of him and got to watch him for awhile and make sure all his organs and everything looked good. My placenta still looks good and the blood flow to it seems sufficient. My doctor said I am just pseudo- high risk now and she feels good about my progress and baby's. He is in the 53rd percentile for his weight which is perfect. We also are 100% sure about his name and I am ready to order personalized items for him now and get working on the nursery. Here are a few cute pictures of him this week.
 If his little face is hard to see, I labeled things for you in the next pic. VVV

Showing us how strong he is!

And the first baby of the family ^^^

Chalkboard time:

How far along? 20 weeks! HALFWAY THERE!!!!! Baby is the size of a Banana. He weighed 13oz at our sonogram and was about 6.5 inches long.
Total weight gain: I've gained 2 more pounds this week. total of -11 now. My doctor is happy with my weight gain and wants me to gain 0.5-1lb/ week now until I hit 28 weeks because baby is growing at his fastest rate during these weeks. With the holidays coming up I doubt I have any trouble doing that. Yikes.

Maternity clothes? Yep, just ordered a few more things off of Zulily. I love that site!
Sleep: I am going to get a maternity pillow this week! Although I have been sleeping a little better lately. Not as many aweful dreams and baby is moving up in my abdomen so he isn't using my bladder like a trampoline anymore.
Best moment this week: Having everyone come into town!
Miss Anything? Not really.
Movement: Oh yeah! I used to have to lay on my back and have no sound on and just lay my hands on my stomach and concentrate and then I could feel him kick and flutter around. Now I feel him all the time, especially when I'm singing in the car. Munchkin LOVES George strait lol.
Food cravings: Nothing really. I wandered around the grocery store for awhile today because nothing sounded good and ended up getting 3 different kinds of cereal because I couldn't decide.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Still haven't gotten sick in a few weeks! Woot woot!
Gender: BOY
Symptoms: Stuffy nose and Sciatic pain in my left leg. It's the weirdest feeling!
Belly Button in or out? in but getting much much more shallow now.
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!! 
Looking forward to: I can't wait for our family to get into town!  And next week we are painting the nursery.

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