Sunday, February 14, 2016

35 weeks

without knowing it, I wore the same shirt in both 35 week pictures. Henry on the left and Eleanor on the right. 

How far along? 35 weeks, Coconut. This one made me laugh last time. Since when are coconuts 6+lbs and 17-19 inches long? ha!
Total weight gain:  total of 19 pounds gained. I think no sugar has helped me keep my weight in check. Can't complain about that!
Maternity clothes? my shirts are getting a little snug and short, I'm living in the biggest of my maternity wear.
Sleep: Not that great. I've been crashing when I can but I get up alot to pee still and had contractions all night last night so I was up alot.
Best moment this week: Getting the to-do list I've had lingering on my kitchen island mostly knocked out and getting an extra night off with my boys.
Miss Anything? alcohol, sugar, moving and doing what I used to do with no issues.
Movement: She has stopped kicking now, just big arm and leg movements. She is definitely running out of room. I think she has stayed in the same position now for the past few days and has just been moving her arms and legs around but not spinning or rolling and flipping like she used to.
Food cravings: Pickles, apples and peanut butter, cereal, ICE. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: last night after doing alot yesterday my back, pelvis, hips and legs started killing me all of a sudden. Taylor gave me a little massage and that helped and I took a warm bath but I was just achy and stiff. I had lots of braxton hicks contractions throughout the night and when I woke up, she was much much lower down in my abdomen. The girl has dropped. I used to not be able to fit my hand between my bra and the top of my belly and I couldn't breathe very well and as of last night I can fit the entire 5 fingers of my hand flat against my abdomen between my bra and top of my belly. She is noticeably lower which means I can breathe so much better and am actually more comfortable, but I am having some mild cramps with my braxton hicks tonight. Something is starting to happen, who knows how long it will last however. Could be weeks. I need her to cook for a few more please.After she dropped is on the left.
Belly Button in or out? flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :) I love that I get to wear my rings still. I'm not swollen at all yet, woo hoo! With Henry I had 4+ pitting edema in my legs by now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Emotional. I'm just super sensitive to everything right now. I'm having a hard time depending on Taylor to do alot for me and I'm struggling with my last days of Henry being my only baby. I've been stuck on him like glue for the past few weeks.
Looking forward to:
My appointment on wednesday. I am anxious to see what my doc thinks about all of this changing body business I've been doing lately. I'm also looking forward to having the entire week off with my boys to do some snuggling and such.

What we did this week:
I organized our hall closet, mud room bench and hooks, our closet, nightstands, bathroom closet, laundry room etc. I got all of our laundry done and put away. Every last piece, which is amazing to me. Taylor helped me hang it all up, bless him. We got the guest room cleared out of all unnecessary items and it looks nice now, ready for grandparents to come stay in the middle of the night should little miss decide to make her appearance in the wee hours when Henry is asleep. 
We hung up all of the items in Eleanor's gallery wall above her changing table and I painted and hung her wooden name cut out above her chair. I had Taylor move the big vintage wooden trunk out of there and into Henry's room too so both of their rooms are completely done! Woo Hoo! That feels so good!

The trunk in Henry's room instead of the chair. 

I used some last pieces of scrap fabric I had from the throw pillow I made to make a slip cover for the "mattress "that fits into my old vintage dolly cradle so it matches her room and is in the corner for her to play with some day and made a few more burp rags with the rest. The sewing machine is officially now put back in the craft closet where it belongs and the table it was on is out of our room. Taylor helped me hang a cool raught iron scrolly peice above our bed and some cute Mr. and Mrs. signs by our bathroom sinks in our master bath.
 He moved Cora's big dog kennel and put it under our bed since she doesn't use it anymore. Moved the elliptical from my side of the bed to his so I could put the bassinet by me. I stocked my nightstand with newborn diapers, wipes, burp rags and binkies for the middle of the night so I have them handy. Our room is completely clean, organized and decorated ready to go now too. The entire upstairs is clean and looks fantastic I must say. Taylor also hooked up our deep freezer in the garage and today we filled it with sides and fruit and veggies for meals and some of the freezer meals I made last week. We went to Sam's club today and walmart and got the rest of the ingredients to do the other meals. By the end of this week I hope to have over 25 meals with sides along with snacks and breakfast items in that freezer so I don't have to cook or think about it after she is born for awhile. I'm excited about that.
Our hospital bags are mainly packed except for everyday items to be thrown in last minute and outside of keeping the house picked up and mopping my hardwood floors and vaccumming the carpeted ones again I am done and ready for this girl to arrive which is good because my energy and motivation are dwindling by the second. We did so much this week and I feel really good about being ready for her in every way shape and form, I'm just hoping to spend the next 26 days relaxing and enjoying my little family of three before things change.

 The little guy is gonna miss his toddler perch for sure.
 Henry made me this little magnet for our fridge for valentine's day. Talk about giving momma the feels.

Feeling large. 

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