Friday, February 5, 2016

33 weeks

How far along? 33 weeks, baby is the size of a pineapple if pineapples are over 5.5lbs.
Total weight gain: 19 lbs
Maternity clothes? whatever fits, comfy is the name of my game lately. Think leggings, yoga pants, t-shirts.
Sleep: I've slept like crap lately. I can't get comfortable for long, have to pee frequently, stuff on my mind etc. I've barely slept more than an hour at a time.
Best moment this week: Getting a million things done on my to-do list.
Miss Anything? being able to move like I used to and sleep.
Movement: She's not doing as many huge movements and rolls as she has in the past, I think she's getting squished.
Food cravings: pickles and sugar, still. I'm ready for the sugar cravings to stop now.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: my pelvis and hips are super sore and my lower back too. I can tell things are getting ready for this babe.I have had a hard time lugging Henry around lately and wrestling him into his high chair and carseat. Lots of warm bubble baths for this momma lately and Taylor has been giving me massages which have helped immensely.
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody, I've just had a hard time this week.
Looking forward to:
This baby girl coming, time off work with my boys and her and my pain to stop.

What we did this week:
I got alot on my to do list done this week which was great. Eleanor's nursery is almost done. I have to hang her gallery wall on her wall above her dresser. Do a few more seams on her chair cover (that's almost done) and that's it! I have everything ready and organized for her. Everything in her closet has been washed and hung in the right size category with her little hanging dividers I made. I washed all the covers for her swing, car seat, bouncer etc. I loaded diapers into her bin in her room, bin down stairs where we keep Henry's and put the rest in her closet. I even got a new diaper bag and loaded it for Henry but put a pile of things to add for her when she arrives. 

And a bunch of pictures of Henry because he is the cutest ever. 

 Cherishing these last days as a family of 3.

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