Friday, December 19, 2014

Henry meets Santa!

We are working away on our Christmas bucket list. One of the main items was Crown Center and seeing Santa Claus. We got the tiny human all decked out in his best Christmas attire and headed out.

 First time sitting like a big boy in his stroller, we walked through the chaos and crowds to the back of Crown Center where the line for Santa started. It was pretty decent size despite it being sunday early afternoon. I was hoping church and the chief's game being on would be a decent deterrent. I was wrong.
 But we had fun waiting with Nana.
 And Aunt-E.

 After 45 minutes and a feeding session in a dressing room at Hall's we made it to the big man in red.
 My goal was to be super funny and crazy to make Henry laugh and just sneak him onto Santa's lap, jump back and snap the pic. Alas, my plan was unsuccessful. Henry Immediately turned around when I set him down, saw Santa and freaked out. I got him to settle down enough to take one where he wasn't flipping out but that's as good as it got. And that's fine by me!
 He got to play on the slide at the end but wasn't really amused.

 We got a fudge sample, walked through the shops, picked up a baby's 1st Christmas ornament and headed out. 10 days before Christmas! Eeek

We tried to get him to play on the big toys outside.
 and he said no way jose! It was a long but fun day.
Poor little guy, a total victim to my obsession with Christmas. Oh well. Merry Christmas Hank T! Merry Christmas!

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