Thursday, October 3, 2013

Baby Registry

We started our baby registry yesterday.

OH MY LORD! Holy overwhelming amount of baby items batman!
Ok I have been in Baby's 'R Us many a time.... Baby shower gifts. Friend gifts. New baby gifts. Picking out new bouncers and swings for our NICU after I applied and won a grant for them at work. and we went several times during our quest to have a baby of our own, it's fun to look (and dream) alright. I'm going to break it down to a few key points for all ya mommas out there new or old or those of you yet to have kids and any feedback has been and will be greatly appreciated.

Problem #1: So I know that the store is massive and that there is so much crap that you couldn't even begin to make a list of the items that it holds. But, I do not want my house overrun with baby "crap" that will be a waste of money and space because we don't like the product and/or my kid doesn't like what we got. If it is going to sit and collect dust it doesn't belong in my house.

Problem #2: Everyone I have talked to has told me that our baby will let us know what it likes and that some kids love swings, some hate them. Some love the bouncer, some don't. Some need to be driven around in the car until they fall asleep and the swing/bouncer/playmat whatever is a waste of money and space. Some just need a white noise machine or the shower on. Some prefer their car seat and some just want momma for comfort and nothing else will do.

Problem #3: Because I am not sure what items my kid will "like", I have no idea what to get. I can't predict if my baby will LOVE the swing (I mean I personally would love it for sure but it's not me). I can't tell you right now if this nugget would prefer a "gentle vibrations" bouncer or just a play mat with toys above it and no motion or movement at all. I have no idea what my baby will PREFER because it isn't here yet. So I don't know what to get.

Problem #4: Because I don't have a crystal ball to tell me what my baby likes I don't want to buy a bunch of stuff, get it all set up, put together and ready to go and have the baby hate it and we can't return it. Thus left with several unused items....see problem #1.

Problem #5: So what do I register for?! I have asked many a momma "what is the one baby item you just couldn't live without". The answers I get are astounding! Which is so great, but again, every parent/baby/child has a preference and they are all different.

So we just got some of the must-haves put on our list and a swing and a carseat/stroller combo and called it good. I got overwhelmed and will have to finish it later. YIKES
This is the carseat/stroller we registered for.

On another note though a friend of mine (actually a new neighbor friend! yay!) has 4 gorgeous kids and is done and their littlest baby has grown out of his baby toys and such so she just gave us boxes and boxes of awesome toys. Thanks again Leah!! I owe you huge! You are a saint!

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