Friday, October 18, 2013

17 weeks- PICTURE POST

This week is our 2 year wedding anniversary! October 15th, it's so hard to believe 2 years ago we were getting ready for and celebrating one of the best day's of our lives. ( Second best has to be finding out this baby was ok at our sono last week.) Taylor is such an amazing husband and father already. He let me sleep in Sunday and went to Starbucks and got me a fresh caramel apple cider (you know because of my addiction for apples lately) and some Halloween sprinkle donuts and brought them to me in bed. What a great guy. He never runs out of nice things to say and romantic or kind things to do. I am so blessed to have such a strong supportive man in my life who will be an incredible example to our kids. I love you so much babe, I could have never gotten through these last two years without you and I am so glad our struggles have only made us stronger. You're the best!!

Here is a little photo montage of some of my favorite pics from our wedding to celebrate this week.
Sorry this one is blurry^^

For our anniversary we had a fantastic day! It was GORGEOUS outside just like our wedding day. We went to Nebraska furniture mart and found a crib we like for a boy and one we like for a girl. I am sooo excited to buy them, well to order them not necessarily pay for them lol. Then we thought it would be fun to go spend $10 at the penny slots at the new casino just because we have never done that. Turns out at the Hollywood when you "open" a user card they add $5 to it for you, we played for about 30 minutes and won and lost but then the smoke got to me and I got really nauseated so we just played out money out vs. cashing out $1.50 or whatever we were at at the time and left. We also went to Carter's and got a few precious outfits that were on sale. I will just return the onesie set for whichever gender we don't have.
I'm obsessed with this bear outfit, it's so incredibly soft and it's staying boy or girl.

 After the legends we went back toward home, got a snack and picked up a few pumpkins, one for each of us to carve and one for the baby :)

 We carved them while drinking caramel apple cider and watching hocus pocus and then I roasted the seeds.
Love this goofy man!

MMMMMmmm seeds!

 My pumpkin, I went tried and true this year.
The pumpkin is hiding the bump which was in full force that day and really funny to see in a freakin casino.
After that we got all dolled up and went out to eat at J. Alexander's and had an amazing steak dinner. Of course baby made me nauseous through that but I didn't get sick and I actually enjoyed my meal toward the end. All in all it was a perfect day.

Momma with her new shoes, new amazing fall rug and the bump!
This week I also felt the baby move for the first time!! EEK!! I was napping in between my wed and thur night shifts and I woke up at 1pm to go to the bathroom (a daily occurance as of now) and when I laid back down and was getting ready to try to fall back to sleep for a few more hours I just casually rested my hand on my tummy and "POP". It felt like a piece of popcorn popping or a little flick from the inside or kinda like a really tiny muscle twitch, but I have zero doubt in my mind that's what I felt. So I laid there a little while longer and felt it again in the same spot and then couldn't feel it anymore but it was a little "hey momma! I'm in here!" and of course I cried a little happy tears, it was amazing to realize that this little nugget is really inside me, THAT I AM GROWING A HUMAN! CRAZY!!!!
And tomorrow we hopefully find out if the baby is a boy or a girl and I can  NOT wait. I just want baby to cooperate for a few minutes so that we can see the goods and then baby can go back to being ornery.
Chalkboard time

How far along? 17 weeks, baby is the size of an Orange.
Total weight gain: Gained back 2 pounds this week. Total of 16 pounds lost.

Maternity clothes? I have two weddings coming up and I had the HARDEST time finding a maternity (or bump accommodating dress) to wear that was fall appropriate. But, finally success! It's not even maternity lol.
Sleep: I have been wide awake at night sometimes and wanna sleep during the day. Night shift is messing with me I think.
Best moment this week: Finding out baby is healthy and doing well and feeling the baby move!
Miss Anything? being able to sleep without having to get up to pee.
Movement: YES!!! and now I am the laziest person on the planet because I just lay around trying to feel it.
Food cravings: Still apples with caramel dip or just by themselves, I can't get enough lately. Guacamole and avacados, hot glazed donuts with an ice cold glass of milk. (these are from last week but still apply....mmmmmmmmmm) pumpkin seeds and comfort food like mac and cheese.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I made jumbalaya the other night and it made me sick after eating it. Not sure if it was the spice overload or the greasy sausage but either way, baby was NOT happy.
Gender: We will HOPEFULLY find out October 19th. YAY!! (if baby cooperates)
Symptoms: weird dreams, belly growing, stuffy nose, foggy brain, round ligament pain....that shit hurts!! YOUCH! It feels like a rubber band snapping you out of nowhere.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on....and loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Still crying at the drop of a hat, TV commercials, news stories, nice things people say, a baby delivery the other day (as If I haven't seen hundreds before) but SOOOOO HAPPY our baby is healthy and ok.
Looking forward to: finding out if this nugget is a boy or girl and SHOPPING! I have found sooo many cute things that I have to have but can't get until I know for sure.

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