Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Eleanor 4 months

Happy 4 months baby doll.

Clothes: She is some of her 6 month clothes now but mostly 9 month. Where is my tiny baby going?! She is also just about out of size 3 diapers. I can't believe it.
Likes: Snuggling! She is the most loveable snuggle bug ever. She wants to be held or touching you at all times and is totally content if you are right there with her and she can just hold your hands. She loves to nurse still and she has really started to enjoy interacting with Henry. She also loves the morning. She is the happiest girl on the planet when she first wakes up. She is such a breath of fresh air. She's really starting to like tummy time and playing with her toys. Especially her pink elephant, blue O-ball and caterpillar rattle.
Dislikes: She doesn't like being put down, waiting her turn to eat or her car seat but she is adjusting to all of that.
Sleeping: Sleeping through the night, though I'm holding my breath waiting for the 4 month sleep regression to hit. I try to put her down after nursing and snuggles when she is partially awake still so she gets used to putting herself to sleep. Oh the things I learned from baby #1. hehe. She doesn't really like her crib to nap, she prefers the basinet next to me in my room. Not sure if it's just because it's darker or she can hear me or what.
Eating: She has become a pro at eating from the bottle which is such a relief for me knowing Taylor isn't having to struggle to feed her when I'm at work. She nurses every 3-4 hours and I get up every 4 hours at night to pump while she sleeps. I have over 580oz of frozen milk in the freezer and I'm so proud of myself for working so hard to get it and to keep my girl as healthy as possible. She is starting to watch us eat so I'm sure we will work on starting cereal in the next month or two.
Playing: She is so much more interactive lately. She laughs and giggles at us, scrunches her nose when she's super happy, like to hold our hands and grab for us. She lays on her tummy and tries to scoot across the floor and roll over. She plays with toys now and really is entertained by them and by us.
Other Milestones: She is drooling like crazy and constantly has her hands in her mouth so I looked at her bottom gums the other day and sure enough she has two white little buds of teeth starting to try to come through. I can't believe it! Henry didn't have his first two teeth cut until 7 mo. She really seems advanced for me. She is starting to put weight on her legs and lock her knees to stand and she has pretty good core strength and balance to try to sit for a few seconds.

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