Thursday, April 21, 2016

Eleanor is 1 month old!

 Happy 1st Month Eleanor! 

Weight: 13 pounds 2 ounces, She dropped from 10lbs 2oz at birth to 9lbs 5.5oz at her smallest, so in a month she gained just 3.5lbs. Pretty good! That's obviously 98th percentile. Her length and head were both 99th percentile. She was 23" long.
Clothes: She is wearing mostly 3-6mo stuff. Almost completely out of 0-3mo clothes just for length, and of course we zoomed through newborn. I shoved her in some of her bigger newborn stuff but almost all of it was too short and pretty snug right from the beginning. She only wore newborn diapers for a week and then I felt bad that they were too tight, packed up the rest of the massive box and gave it to my friend who is pregnant. She is now in size 2 for about a week now. I think she could still fit into size 1 but I don't want to open the huge box and have her not wear them all so I exchanged it for size 2s. Where is my tiny baby?!?!
Likes: She is a snuggle bug supreme. She loves to be swaddled tightly, held, and rocked. She has been fantastic in the bathtub, always quiet and content and relaxed, I bet she would let me keep her in there much longer than she usually is but bedtime is crazy lately with Henry too. She prefers the head of her bassinet to be propped up just a little bit but then she loves to sleep as well. Her favorite thing though, besides her mommy of course, MILK! hehe.
Dislikes: She does NOT like her car seat. She screams every time we put her in it and most of the time in the car untils he finally gives up and passes out. She screams at red lights or when we stop too. She hates having dirty pants, a slow swing, waiting her turn to be paid attention to or fed and when her brother lays on her or hugs her just a little too much. ( I literally changed the pronoun in this paragraph from he to she until the slow swing part. She and Henry clearly hate the same things).
Sleeping: She sleeps in her bassinet next to our bed. This whole first month I have woken her up every 4 hours to nurse her to make sure she gained weight and was doing okay, Until about three weeks I was waking her every 3 hours. Dr. Grossman told us at her 1 month appointment she is okay weight and age wise to let her sleep as long as she wants now. I still have to get up and pump every 4 hours but that's no big deal and is so worth it for her to have good milk. 
Eating:She has been a fantastic eater from minute one. The first time I got her to nurse was about 20 minutes after she was born and she nursed for 45 min strait and we've never looked back. She eats every 2-3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night but just because I have been waking her up.
Playing: She is starting to stay awake long enough to "play" now. She is starting to track and even starting to smile or at least try. She watches her brother and the ceiling fans and studies our faces too. I don't put her down on the floor unless I'm sitting right by her because I'm afraid Henry is going to trample her.
Other Milestones: Smiling, tracking, sleeping better and she ROLLED OVER! She was on her tummy and she pushed herself up and fell to the side and on over. She's also got some awesome head control and arm strength to push herself up. Where is my brand new baby, she's already growing so much. 

Update on her Kidneys: We met with Eleanor's new urologist at Children's Mercy. He is much nicer than Henry's (and we will be switching Henry over to his care as well). The Dr. looked at her scans and agreed with the diagnosis Dr. Go gave us. He said lots of children do just fine with grade 1 reflux without needing antibiotics but because Eleanor got so sick, so young he wants her to take them daily and act as if she had a more severe grade for her first year to prevent additional infections and I am 100% okay with that if it means we can avoid that nightmare again. She will also have additional kidney ultrasounds every 3 months and follow up appointments with her urologist to make sure there is no swelling or damage seen to her kidneys. After her first year we can talk about spacing these out and taking her off of her antibiotics. 

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