Friday, March 4, 2016

32 weeks

How far along? 32 weeks, baby is the size of a jicama (which is apparently about 3.75lbs....Eleanor however is apparently much larger, read further).
Total weight gain: 16 lbs still.
Maternity clothes? whatever fits, comfy is the name of my game lately. Think leggings, yoga pants, t-shirts.
Sleep: Sleeping well when I crash and having to pee every 2-3 hours so I get interrupted but luckily I am able to nap anytime Henry does still so that's good. I did take a 5 hour nap on thursday while Henry was at kid's day out that I think would more appropriately be called a mini- coma. I didn't move let alone get up to pee and I had sheet crease marks all over me that were so deep they could be seen from space. God bless kid's day out.
Best moment this week: Sonograms!
Miss Anything? being able to move like I used to.
Movement: Still a ton, she rolls all over and I think she is realizing she is out of room.
Food cravings: Cereal, Peanut butter or any nut butter and pickles but most importantly, buffalo chicken dip which I made today just to satisfy myself and the babe. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: my pelvis and hips are super sore and my lower back too. I can tell things are getting ready for this babe.I have had a hard time lugging Henry around lately and wrestling him into his high chair and carseat. Lots of warm bubble baths for this momma lately.
Belly Button in or out? pretty flat
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Eh, pretty moody. I had a rough tue and wed, read further.
Looking forward to:
Taylor coming home from his business trip. He was gone all week.

What we did this week:
Saturday we went back to Peep's babies and bears to have our second 3-D sono of the package we bought when we did our gender sono. Cindy the sonographer/ owner is just so wonderful. She takes her time and lets us play with the baby by rubbing and pressing on my belly and talking to her to watch her reaction. We have all of the scan on DVD again and pictures too. Baby doll looks more like me this time than Taylor, she has big full cheeks and wasn't as grumpy looking as Henry always was. She has a ton of hair apparently too which was super exciting. 

Monday I worked, Tuesday we got ice and snow enough to close highways and Taylor didn't want me driving myself so had to cancel our sono appointment with my doctor to check Eleanor's growth and this little spot on her heart they saw at her 20 week scan. I was super bummed about not getting to have Taylor go with me because they rescheduled me to match my OB appt the following day. I had to drag Henry in and he was so good through the whole OB appt and then we had to wait for 2 hours for our sono (luckily I'm smart and brought him a full lunch to eat just in case we got held up). I was furious because I was already worried we were going to be driving home right at nap time and he would fall asleep in the car, wake up when we got home and not nap again which meant I wouldn't get a nap before my shift that night. Once they finally saw us, they went so fast that I barely got to see her at all and had to ask to see her little face. Normally they go slower, measure everything very thoroughly and explain everything they look at. And I always got 3-D pictures of Henry's face even when I went in for quick BPP scans each week at the end of my pregnancy with Henry. I was furious they rescheduled me if they didn't have time to see me, I would've come back a different day if I had known. I was mad they were making Henry late for nap, they rushed me, I don't feel like they looked at her very carefully (though they did mention she has tons of hair). They estimated her weight to be 5lbs 7oz. HOLY $h!t!!!!!! Average weight for a 32 weeker is 3.75lbs. I'm waiting to hear from my doctor to see if she feels that is right or is concerned. That is the size of a full term baby, a smaller one, but still a full term one. I had 8 weeks to go when they said that. WHAT ON EARTH!? I scheduled the rest of my appointments until my due date (which was only 5 more times). She is going to be here before we know it. 

That really got me into gear though, Taylor was out of town this week for a business trip and I had lots of time during naps and after Henry goes to bed to work on the slip cover for the chair. I have been taking pictures and will do a tutorial later on what I did. This project is much more difficult than I originally had anticipated. It's like a 3-D puzzle you have to do inside out and not screw it up. I really have to use my brain power to figure out where to pin and cut things to make it all work. I hope it turns out but I must admit, so far it looks pretty decent. I've got some time to finish but I just want it done so it's ready for whenever she shows up.  

Here is a comparison of Henry on the left and Eleanor on the right. I weighed 10 lbs more with Eleanor at this point in my pregnancy and she apparently weighs 11oz more and yet I feel like I look so much smaller. Which is good!

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