Saturday, December 26, 2015

28 weeks

How far along? 28 weeks, baby is the size of an eggplant
Total weight gain: not sure, 17lbs I think.
Maternity clothes? whatever fits
Sleep: I wore myself out this week so when I slept, I slept hard. I definitely feel pregnant now though. Rolling over is now comical and I have to flip flop several times each night and move all the pillows to go with it. Poor Taylor
Best moment this week: CHRISTMAS!
Miss Anything? I'll give you one guess. It's made with grapes and is alcoholic. Why do I crave it so badly when I know I can't have it.
Movement: This week she has been like clock work really waking up around 8pm and doing huge body rolls and movements. I can literally watch elbows and knees and booty roll all over.  
Food cravings: Cookies and sweets.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing :)
Gender: GIRL
Symptoms: sleeping crummy, running out of breath, charlie horses. No complaints though, small price to pay.
Belly Button in or out? Getting pretty shallow these days, I actually wonder if it will pop this time, kinda doubt it though.
Wedding rings on or off? on. :)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to:
Working on Eleanor's room and a date night with Taylor sometime this week.

What we did this week:
This week was a complete blur. I honestly don't remember what happened on what days. I know I spent the first half of the week getting ready for Christmas.
Henry had a ear infection so sunday morning after I got off work I met Taylor at urgent care to get him started on an antibiotic to kick whatever it is he has been fighting. Taylor dressed them to match.
 He's such a good daddy. We are so incredibly blessed to have him.
My mom came over in the afternoon that day and finished the top coat on Eleanor's dresser, mirror and chair side table so they all match now. I'm ready to go find fun knobs and pulls for her drawers.
I worked monday night and my in-laws had Henry on Tuesday. I finished up some shopping and last minute errands for Christmas. I forgot how quickly I can get a million things done when he isn't with me. Just getting him in and out of his car seat alone is time consuming. My slow pregnant turtle pace is definitely faster without him tagging along. Plus he had a blast with them. I found baskets for Eleanor's closet that fit perfectly on her shelf in there. 

Wednesday we took Henry to see Santa at Bass Pro. My friend said she went on a weekday morning 15 minutes before they opened and spent 15 minutes in line and that was it, I tried the same thing the next day and waited 2 hours. Taylor and his mom met us there so they could be a part of it and H didn't cry at all. He babbled a bunch of jibberish to Santa and then turned around and pointed at several different things including the fake reindeer behind Santa and said "who dat?!" ha. We are now 4 for 4 on Easter bunny and Santa visits without tears, pretty good. I also hit the mail jack pot. 
I had ordered a ton of stuff online for Eleanor that hadn't shown up yet and for whatever reason came all in one day. I got her Chandelier for her room, a swaddle blanket with her name all over it, a hanger with her name formed out of the wire to hang a dress of mine on her wall, a blanket for Henry and her raw silk bonnet and booties to match her going home outfit. Woo hoo! Merry Christmas to me. 

Thur was Christmas eve and we went to Crown Center, because we can't have Christmas without Crown Center. I got Taylor some goodies from the fudge place and we walked around for a bit and took a few pics outside. Then we had lunch at Spin which was a nightmare. My original plan was to go to Fritz's because I knew Henry would be entertained by the trains and eat the food. My sister wasn't really feeling up to the food so we went to Spin instead thinking Henry would eat some cheese pizza. Wrong. He threw a massive fit because I made him sit in the high chair and wouldn't eat a dang thing. It was getting close to nap time and he was a disaster. I was so frustrated because I needed him to eat before nap and by the time we dropped my sister and mom off and then got home he would be an hour later for both lunch and nap. I don't physically have the energy to battle him into the highchair or chase his messy self and all the food if he doesn't sit in it and I didn't have the emotional capacity that day to handle it either apparently because as soon as we got in the car I just burst into tears. Mom. Fail. He fell asleep in the car and woke up when we got home and wouldn't go back to sleep. 

Luckily Taylor came home early and we just said screw it and went to his parents house for a delicious dinner and presents, day saved. We spent the evening after Henry went to bed building toys and such for the little man and putting everything in the living room and eating chocolate chip cookies and milk.

Friday was Christmas. Henry woke up at 7:30 and we played with him upstairs until my mom, sister, Steve and grandma all got there and then video taped him coming down the stairs to find all the goodies Santa left him. He had no idea what to think and went to his chair and bubble bath first and then his grill/kitchen.
We made a yummy breakfast and ate and then took our sweet time opening gifts. Henry would get one thing and play with it and be totally content not realizing there was more. He seemingly got a lot of stuff but he really has outgrown all of his baby toys we currently have for him so I didn't feel guilty getting some large items like his pottery barn "anywhere chair", grill and kids table and chairs. Along with some smaller things like puzzles, art stuff and paper for his table, play food for his grill and some books and bath stuff. We spent the afternoon playing with gifts and Henry went down for nap. We rested and then met my parents at their house for another yummy dinner and a fun game of Head's up. It was a wonderful christmas and we really are so blessed.

we had matching PJ pants and got matching necklaces for Christmas from my sister. 


 I told Taylor that my goal for this weekend was to hang Eleanor's Chandelier and curtains and then I can get the rest of the things for her ready and hang stuff on her wall last. We have 11 weeks and counting until she shows up, potentially less and I'm really feeling crunch time set in. I can't wait to meet her little self.

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