Monday, August 31, 2015

9 weeks

How far along? 9 weeks, baby is the size of a large grape! Actually he/ she is 3cm long according to my sono on wednesday.
Total weight gain: Down 4 pounds this week. Whoa. Hello morning sickness, my old friend.
Maternity clothes? Absolutely. I have no shame this time around. My regular pants fit still but are getting more snug and I already have alot of maternity clothes from last time. I bought a few things for Florida next week and plan to get a few more. Not necessarily maternity tops just comfy looser flowier stuff that will be comfy and flattering. This bump has popped y'all.
Sleep: I spoke too soon, remember last week when I said pure exhaustion was my only symptom? Read further for an update on that. I am still tired but actually feel a lot better this week. Taylor's parents had themselves a "staycation" this week and wanted to spend it hanging with hank. I took them up on it gladly. I worked 3 extra shifts in as many weeks and it kicked my butt. Between the munchkin running around my house and the munchkin wiggling in my belly, I'm beat. I got to sleep several hour stretches before and after work each day this week. That being said I was awake from 2am-6am for 3 nights strait with horrid stomach pain, read below for that too.
Best moment this week: Having our close out appointment with Dr. Krieg (our reproductive endocrinologist. I.e. infertility doc) and having my first regular OB appointment with Dr. Steinbis. Baby is doing fantastic!
Miss Anything? my energy still.
Movement: I swear I felt a little pop the other day but I know it was just a phantom kick. I still get those a lot from Henry's pregnancy. 3cm is definitely not big enough for me to feel yet. Soon though little one, soon.
Food cravings: NOTHING. nothing has sounded good. The only thing I could stomach this week, oddly enough was pistacios, anything carbonated, a poptart here or there with a glass of cold milk and a hot and cheese sandwich. So weird.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in particular, it's pretty much everything. I've been super nauseous this week and thrown up several times.
Gender: Not yet. I'm putting my money on girl though. This time I'm serious. This pregnancy has been so different from Henry's so far and the heart rate has been at least 15-20 beats higher at each ultrasound than Henry's was at the matching week.
Symptoms: just tired and sick, sick and tired. But honestly, I'm thrilled to be sick. I know it means there is a baby in there that is healthy and growing and raising my hormone levels enough to cause it. What a blessing. If I have to throw up a few times and not be able to stomach much for a few weeks, it's soooo worth it to me. Call me crazy, but I firmly beleive it. Now... am I thrilled about the idea while spending 15 hours in the car and a week in the sun on the beach while puking and naseous? Not so much. Do I really want to enjoy some fresh seafood and a big fat grouper sandwich from some local shack of a restaraunt? Absolutely! Is this the best timing for sickness to hit me like a ton of bricks? Nope, not so much. But again, worth every single second of it. The only other thing I had this week was a really painful ache in my upper belly almost under my ribs. It lasted for 4 days and nothing seemed to help make it go away, I still have no idea what caused it but it kept me up for 3 night strait because I was hurting. That takes a lot because my pain tolerance is super high so i'll be on the lookout for that.
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on. :) I'm hoping I can wear them for the whole pregnancy again this time. I HATE not wearing my rings.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy. I feel really blessed. Seeing the baby this week looking like a baby and not a blob really made my heart sing. I have often been stoic this week because I am kind of in zombie mode but I really am happy. I did chew Taylor out for not letting me hire a beach photographer for family pics and pregnancy announcement pics and I later appologized but I want pictures dang it!
Looking forward to: THE BEACH!!!!! I have been looking at #30a pictures on instagram all week and counting down the days until my toes hit that white sugar sand. I am DYING to get out of here. I have been working hard trying to get pregnant, working extra shifts, taking care of a busy toddler and now creating a human. I think I deserve a break. Taylor does too. He's had a super stressful last few weeks at work and we both need to get out of here. Our road trips are always so much fun and relaxing and despite having Henry with us this time and being a little worried about that. He always is such a good kid and I think/ hope he will have fun with us. This week is just going to be insane packing and getting ready. I work 3 shifts in a row (which I haven't done since Henry was born because it kicks my butt) and then I work tue and thur. So I have every other night to run errands and get hoppin'. I have made a big pile in the corner of my dining room of clean beach towels, beach mat, sun shade tent, new toys for the car, beach toys, camera bag, movies, snacks etc. I am literally SO EXCITED.

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