Christmas 2014
This year was such a fun, memorable year. Something about Baby's 1st Christmas puts so much pressure on to make everything perfect and at the end of the day my energizer bunny self was exhausted but it was so worth seeing so much joy in my little boy's eyes. This tiny human has changed the way I see everything and Christmas is no exception. I wanted to make things fun for him, to start and continue traditions, to express the importance of Christmas and why we celebrate and WHO we celebrate. I want these memories selfishly this first year for myself but I hope to continue all of this each year for him. When he can remember warm sugar cookies fresh out of the oven.
and playing in the sticky dough while momma rolls out fun shapes.
My sister and my mom came over to bake Christmas treats like they do each year. We made amazing Sugar cookies (with a new recipe that is to die for, I'd be happy to share if you want it.) Aunt-E and H spent time snuggling and reading while waiting for the treats to be done. Little man only got a tiny bite this year (come on it's Christmas) but next year it's all in!They didn't plan their Christmas colored outfits but I sure do appreciate the holiday photo op.
Later that night we went to my grandmother's annual Christmas party. She's 93 and still throws a party every year on the 22nd. The food is to die for!
The decorated tree that seems about 20 feet smaller than I remembered it growing up.
Even the fire in that fireplace, all seem like such pieces of childhood for me.
My parents watched Henry for us so we could enjoy the night out together.
Christmas eve we spend with Taylor's parents. They just finished their basement so we got to spend time down there and open gifts and eat our freshly frosted sugar cookies. MMMmmmm
Henry helped open gifts even if they weren't for him.
This was Henry's first time opening a gift and he was more interested in the wrapping paper chunks he was pulling off than the gift underneath.
Until we opened up the box and he got to pull out all the pieces to his Go-Go smart wheels garage and track.
He also got some books, a play rug that looks like roads painted all over it to drive his cars, some trucks and cars for his new track and a little wooden train and track set.
He is the light of their life, it's so cute!
When we got home we set out some cookies for Santa on our new plate and poured ice cold milk into our new mug. Santa bait was set out and babe was put to bed as visions of sugar plums or whatever else 9 month old boys think about, danced in his head.
We lit a fire and snuggled on the couch and waited for the big man in red to show up.
Some waited more patiently than others.....
But what to our wondering eyes should appear.... Santa came and ate his snack!
He brought lots of great gifts for everyone. We packed them all up once Henry woke up and went to Nana and Pops' house for breakfast and gifts.
We even had matching jammies and Christmas smiles
Henry loves his new slide Santa brought.
1, 2, 3...Weeee!
We had so much fun sharing the morning with the little man.
Our little family of three.
Plus crazy Aunt-E
Silly Aunt-E pulling up Henry's pants so he didn;t trip on them.
Daddy helped open the first gift.
Yay! A dump truck!
Then he was happy to just sit on Daddy's lap and watch everyone open their stuff. Christmas is about giving, not receiving right Hankers.
He gone...
and he slept and lounged the rest of the morning on Daddy's lap.
We went home, took a real nap and changed into our Christmas best for dinner.
Me and my main squeeze.
Aunt- E made a delicious dessert after a yummy dinner. (Brownie trifle) and sugar cookies.
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
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