Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Happy 10 months Henry

 Happy 10 months Henry!

Yes they are blurry, because he literally did not sit still the entire time. 

Weight: No idea but I know it's alot because my right arm is getting buff from carrying his crazy self around. 
Length: Long enough to outgrow his 9 month stuff. Clothes:  He is almost out of all his 9 month stuff and into 12 mo and even some 18 mo stuff.

Likes:  Besides loving to eat, non stop the dude crawls now....everywhere....all the time. He doesn't ever stop and he is into everything. He follows me to the kitchen and opens the drawers and cabinets and takes everything out. (baby proofing is happening this weekend). He has tried the steps a few times too so we have put up the baby fence in the living room to keep him contained...which he hates. He of course loves his Cora too.

Dislikes:Like I said he hates being contained, in the pack n' play, the jumper, in the living room, car seat, stroller you name it. He also hates teething of course and sleeping apparently. His naps are getting shorter and he is waking up in the night again. Time to retry cry-it-out I suppose. Poor guy.

Sleeping: Like I said, not doing fantastic at this lately but oh well. He sure is cute when he does sleep and it gives me a break from chasing him.

Eating: He loves eating. Always has. He still nurses or gets breastmilk bottles (when I am gone) when he first wakes up, before morning nap (although we are weaning this one out), before afternoon nap and before bed. Other than that he eats all his meals of full table food. He eats pretty much everything we eat outside of super spicy or hard to chew stuff. He has had steak, brisket, chicken, turkey, lots of cheese and cottage cheese, tons of fresh fruit and steamed veggies and pasta. The kid will eat anything but avacado. He takes his sweet time and thinks it's hilarious to feed the dog bites of food and to suck his slippery foods off the tray. Goofball.
 Lunch of bananas, string cheese and turkey. Dinner of fruit puree, cottage cheese, tortillini and turkey.

 Feeding Cora.
 Breakfast of yogurt, waffle and banana
 Slurping pears off his tray that were too slick to pick up.
 Which he finds hilarious.

Playing: He has been pretty clingy lately due to some chompers coming through so I play on the floor with him alot but he will play on his own some too. He loves his slide and has figured out how to crawl up it himself and slide down but he especially loves when I count to 3 before he wiggles himself down. 

Other Milestones:He is working on talking. He says a few words like Mama, Dadda, Dog, Ra-Ra (Cora), mmm (when he likes his food) and uh (still working on the oh part of uh-oh). He wants to walk so badly but for now he just cruises along the couch, coffee table, end table, baby fence etc. He also found the stairs and has tried a few of those (with supervision). He also waves hello and good bye, claps his hands, throws his arms up when we ask how big he is and picks his nose....awesome. And he uses a sippy cup now like it's his job.

What Dr. Grossman Said:We didn't see Dr. Grossman this month because he has been a healthy boy! Thank goodness. I did talk to the lactation consultant at their office though to help me figure out weaning milk (he is doing some and I'm doing some too) and trying to find the balance of keeping my supply up for what he needs and gradually dropping feedings as he wants more table food. 

Here are the hilarious outtakes of his photo shoot this month, which was a joke because he wouldn't sit still.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The new year!

I know I'm about, oh, 14 days late with this but Happy New Year one and all!
I know the new year brings mixed emotions for alot of people, many can't wait for the previous year to be over and start new and many people had a great year and are sad for it to end. Then there are people like myself who are indifferent. 2014 was AMAZING! Taylor and I became parents

Figuring out parenthood has made this year FLY by so fast. I can't believe Henry is trying to walk and eating solid foods and I'm planning his first birthday. It's so weird. Just yesterday he was teeny tiny in my arms and now I find myself thinking how heavy he is when I'm hauling him around and how much he is wearing me out but chasing him around the house. 

I can't imagine 2015 bringing such a huge life shift as becoming first time parents but you just never know what can happen. I pray for only good things in the future of course. I'm definitely not trying to see what life can throw at us. Trust me,  it's been exhausting and sometimes really overwhelming and stressful, but more than anything it's been so much fun and has brought so much joy and love to our life. Taylor and I have become closer than ever, maybe a little more "laugh to keep from crying" moments in there as we navigate the new parent thing together than brady bunch moments, but either way it's been so fun with him by my side. I guess more than anything our family of three really has made me realize what life is all about this year.

That being said, I don't really have resolutions this year outside of try my hardest to be the best mommy and wife that my two boys deserve, stop cussing as much (my kid is learning to talk over here) and try to chill out and relax a little more. I feel like those are attainable goals so we will see what happens from here. Happy New Year everyone I hope 2015 is as wonderful as it can be for you and your family!